July Contest: Rabbit Road Race
@Kim-Rosenlof Thank you! Love yours, too. Though it hits a little close to home – I’ve definitely been that bunny running a marathon…
So unique @AngelinaKizz, love it!
@Georgios-Christopoulos Thanks sir, it's great to see you back
@Valerie-Light Holy bleep! So much thought and detail. Really great stuff!
Dang, do I still have time to participate in the contest? I mean, I do check the forum, but I didn't know I had to submit the image separately
I just realized because I was going to watch videos and saw in the dashboard the critique arena thing lol.
@Eliana-Bastidas You could always try to enter it now on the dashboard. I am not sure if you will be stopped or not. You can contact @AustinShurtliff or one of the other SVS team if it doesn't work out.
@Kim-Rosenlof I did submit my image today; I didn't have any issue with it, but I did miss the day
. I guess that if it doesn't work I just will need to participate again in a few months. Thanks Kim!
@Jeremy-Ross thanks Jeremy!
@Johanna-Kim This turned out really cute!
@Valerie-Light Wow! looks like alot of work. Very cool concept and neat artork! Very much like a board game or adventure map. I would love to see a higher resolution one posted here
Here's a link to my website where you can see this picture in much more detail. It was designed to print at 11x17!
https://www.valerielightillustration.com/projects-8@Johanna-Kim @Kim-Rosenlof @Sarah-vandam @AngelinaKizz @Asyas_illos Thank you guys, sincerely, for encouraging me to repost this at higher res. I was feeling pretty doomy at deadline time yesterday, and all of your kind notes really lifted me back up when I read them today.
This project, and your comments, prompted me to think more in depth about what presentations make my art look best. I think I'll be redesigning my webpage to support much bigger images, like this link has begun to do.
@Erichousel Yes! I LOVE the idea of working on a game map of some kind.
@Jeremiahbrown Thanks for appreciating all that detail. I really got carried away, but honestly it was a ton of fun for practicing animal poses. I just now took a sec to count hem all. 115 I think?!
@aurelia I'm so glad you could get the humor from it! -
@Jeremy-Ross man every time I scroll through here I find ones I missed! I love this, the mo-ped cracks me up!
nice work!
So I have been awol for a couple of months! Had alot going on and working alot so I am back on the forum and would like some feedback on this entry that I just did not finish in time for Critique Arena.
Something I am trying to develop more is my understanding of values and the composition within those values. Does it all translate and what can I improve?
Thanks guys... so glad to be back- I've missed being here every day...
@frankiiij I love the highlight and shadow!
Thanks @Asyas_illos! Went for a different execution on this one. Love your entries!
@Valerie-Light Just looked at the larger version of your illustration. Wow! I'd vote for you based on super fun storytelling, character design, humor, and making something kids would have a blast poring over. This could be a poster or puzzle. And your website is great. I especially like your Bio page. It has so much personality.
@Jeremy-Ross I really like the style and thanks
@Johanna-Kim Wow, thanks Johanna!
@Valerie-Light BRILLIANT!!! You really took this prompt and ran with it in a unique direction, full of AWESOME witty detail, and I love it!! Great characters, too. I remember the guys recently critiquing your website on the podcast, and I’d say this is definitely one of those standard raising “pinnacle pieces.” Of course, not all illustrations need such high detail, but you have a serious knack for it when it’s called for. Super excited to see more from you… and I want to see if I can make something just as good.
Game on.