July Contest: Rabbit Road Race
@LauraA Wow, thanks, Laura! That is really encouraging. I think I was really feeling uncertain about how this one would be received, but I just had so much fun letitng myself get carried away. I'm glad it's working.
@helenbrady you can see a much bigger image at http://www.valerielightillustration.com/projects-8
Ahhhh! First time entering critique arena! I am super impressed with the entries I have seen so far! Well done everyone!
My entry
@Valerie-Light I tried that link and it said page not found. But I did see your scenic and mural stuff. Wow! It is really cool. I am sure it is really different doing things at such a large scale. How do you transfer from the sketch to such a big "canvas" or whatever you are working on?
@helenbrady Ohhh thanks a lot
@marek-halko haha this is great! I love that you can just see the driver's eyes but there is so much expression in them!
Hey everyone, I’m new to SVS, first time Critique Arena-er but long-time 3PP listener!
I’m a full time makeup artists at the moment, it’s quite tricky doodling on the side of the day job but I’m excited to do some of the SVS courses and I’m hoping they’re going to make me more focused so I can make the most of the free time I have. I did Will’s interior class the other day and loved it, loads I hadn’t considered and I’m looking forward to putting it into practise. I’m scared of environments at the moment but love doing characters, that will probably be obvious from my submission below!
I had to rush to submit it so I want to make a few tweaks to the foreground characters, the flying egg and the posters. If anyone has any other suggestions for edits please let me know! But I made the deadline and I bloody loved drawing this, it was so much fun!
I’ve just been browsing through the forums and there’s so much amazing work on here, it’s super-inspiring! Looking forward to getting to know you all!
H xx -
@Kim-Rosenlof Whoops, link fixed! my illo work is at www.valerielightillustration.com/project-8
It is SO different working on a big scale. All your mark making is based on body movements and finding the biggest tool for the job so the brush strokes look effortless even if you're standing 60 feet away from the finished piece. One classic way that we enlarge images is by overlaying a grid on top of the reference image, and tacking down a grid made of string all over the backdrop. Then you just have to draw the detail in each 1 ft square, and make it all tie together.
@helenbrady Holy moley, this is amazing!!!! The detail, the composition, the complexity, the CUTENESS. This is incredible and looks like it was taken straight from a children’s book - WOW!!!!
@helenbrady This is funny. Cute idea and the characters are adorable!
@helenbrady wonderful work!
@helenbrady Aw this is fantastic! Everyone's expressions are so fun to dive in to!
The ads especially are hilarious
"Burron and Warren building contracts", "Dust Bunnies cleaning services", and "Watership Town wink wink;)"
SO fun! and who heck is Florence? Go Florence!!! -
@Kim-Rosenlof Thanks
! I like your original take on the prompt! Super fun!
@Sarah-VanDam Thank you
! I like yours very much! Nicely composed and full of positive emotions!
@Johanna-Kim Thank you
! I like your funny concept!
@helenbrady Thanks a lot
! I like your picture a lot! Super fun! Great characters! I think you have a very strong sense of design and colors! Reminds me of Julia Sarda and Miroslav Sasek! Very cool!
@Erichousel said in July Contest: Rabbit Road Race:
Hi everyone! Throwing my hat into the ring for the first time. Hoping my concept of childhood imagination comes through. I love all the art I'm seeing and can't wait to catch the next Live Critique Arena. Good luck all!
I forgot to mention that any critiques are welcome. I’d definitely like to push myself but in the right direction. Again… good luck to all in the next CA!
Thank you all for your hard work and patience!! We are changing up the roles here at SVSLearn HQ so we are a little behind this month
But we are busy processing all the entries and will have the CA website updated soon!
This month's Critique Arena is set for Thursday, August 18 at 2pm MST. Please note it's actually the 3rd Thursday this time. Just to keep you on your toes! As always, we'll be sending out the Zoom links via email, look for 'em next week
We got lots of great stuff this time, this is gonna fun!
@lucy_gow This is so cute. Love the idea.
@marek-halko Haha, thanks:)