August Contest: Design A Superhero
@Frogpunzel You still have 1 more day! Tomorrow is the 31st. I hope you get it done!
@kirsten-mcg Oh my goodness! I totally thought it was due tonight! One more day, yay!
@Laurasketches Love the richness of this character design.
Phew, I submitted!
P.S. If you struggled with getting your artwork under the 500kb size limit even after flattening all layers, try going to the "more" or "advance" settings on your program and uncheck all the "Embed" options (i.e. embed metadata, embed ICC profile) it brings down the file size by half... I used Affinity Publisher but Photoshop/ID should have similar options.
@kirsten-mcg LOVE this character!
Higher res:
Some close-ups:
WIP breakdown:
@aurelia Haha, great name!
"Your name is Fungi? Like mushrooms?"
"No! It's Fun Guy – because I'm a fun guy!"
@aurelia awesome! Love it so much
@KevinTreaccar hahahah I love that you added pronunciation. Great job
@aurelia so good! Love it!
Wow so many good entries! Good luck everyone!
@maarcos-l I just realized I misspelled some words
sorry english is not my native language and I wrote it in a hurry
I submitted this today. Too close for comfort! Such good art here, and so many good ideas. Good luck to all the entries!
I thought that my Superhero was humorous, but my son said it was only a little bit funny
. Oh well, can't please everyone. Now I really wish that I had superpowers. There are so many powers that I would have never thought of that you guys came up with! It's super
@Janae Haha. I think one of my weaknesses is papercuts too.
@aurelia This is cute. Love the idea.