Brand new at this
Hi - I'm Susan! I'm from Prince Edward Island, Canada.
During the lockdown of 2020 I was looking for a new hobby, and decided to learn about digital art. I loved drawing and colouring as a young child, but gave it up around age 11 (which was a loooong time ago - LOL).
For the past 2 years, I've mostly been copying drawings I like (not for sharing, obviously) and following step-by-step tutorials. I use Procreate on the iPad.
I'm at a point now where I'd like to start creating some original work, but am quickly learning how much I don't know. I am working my way through some free online lessons such as Proko and Ctrl Paint to get started on the fundamentals.
I also started listening to the 3 Point Perspective podcast, which I'm loving. My plan is to get an SVS Learn subscription once I'm a little further along, and can really take advantage of some of the intermediate level courses that I think look amazing!
Looking for some advice on 2 things:
At what point would you start posting art in this forum looking for feedback? I wouldn't even know what to ask for help with at this stage. (It's a situation of not knowing what I don't know.)
As a beginner, would you post your early works to Instagram, just for the fun of it? Or would you hold off until you're more advanced?
I'm looking forward to being part of this group!
@susanhowarth-art welcome.
I don't think it's ever too early to start your subscription. The beginner courses, like how to draw everything can teach even a no drawer to draw.
Posting work here is so valuable and we're all happy to help!
Looking forward to watching your progress
I think you should post right along because you'll learn faster and people here are very helpful. I also agree with @AngelinaKizz that there are good courses for beginners on SVS so if you can afford it, I wouldn't wait to start your subscription.
Where on PEI do you live? I have traveled a number of times to PEI and love it. Like most tourists I went the first time because of L.M. Montgomery's books, but after that I have gone because it's such a beautiful place and I have often wondered what it would be like to live there.
@demotlj Thank you! It does look like everyone is so supportive in the forums. I’m working on my first full illustration using the “cloud” prompt (even though I know non-members can’t enter), so I will aim to post it for feedback. Eeek!
I live near Charlottetown. If you can make it through our rough winters, it is so beautiful here in the summer/fall. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else!
@susanhowarth-art Welcome! I believe there is a 2-week free trial or similar, so go ahead and subscribe. You can start with How to Draw everything and if in the end you decide it isn't for you, you can cancel it. I have cancelled once (due to having a baby and not being able to commit the time to learn) and now I am back to continue pick up where I left off!
I don't think there is any rule on when you can start posting your images here for feedback. You can certainly post now and we are happy to help. It helps if you include a specific question with your image so we know what area of advice you are looking for.
Even if you don't know what the specific question is, you can state the purpose of your drawing. Example: "I am drawing a dog to practice accurate animal anatomy" will give you a different set of feedback than "I am drawing a dog character to cheer up sick children. Does the image make you happy?"
@susanhowarth-art I live in western New York (two hours from Buffalo) so I’m quite familiar with rough winters! But the palette of PEI — the green fields, red roads, blue ocean, not to mention the fields of lupin in June — what a place to be an artist.
@susanhowarth-art Welcome!
Do share your work. The members of this community are very helpful and offer good advice.
Agree that you could do the 2 week trail of the classes and see how you like them. I've been slowly going through the classes the past few months and have learned quite a bit! So you might find something in the courses for where you are. Plus there are assignments that go along with the classes and you can post those as well.