A Blood elf artist joins your class! intro time
Hello its nice to meetcha! I am chrissy and I'm in this school to help improve my artwork because my work honestly looks like crap..at least IMO and i know i can do better.
The sketchbook You will mostly see is called GODZILLA! Yes im serious and he is very special to me. Cost me a pint of my blood. lol
Anyway i hope people will like my work and enjoy -
@Christina-Perez Hi! Welcome to the forum
Welcome looking forward to seeing some of your work
@Nyrryl-Cadiz thank you and ill do my best here
@Asyas_illos thanks im working on inktober now but, I'm a bit shy posting them so maybe when i get into the rythyum of things.
@Christina-Perez Welcome! Looking forward to seeing the work you have to share!