October Contest: GLOW!
Thank you @Lorna-H!
Well, the entries for October are in! And let us just say, they fill us with a warm glow
Great job everyone!
We'll be updating the Critique Arena website over the next few days, so don't be alarmed if you don't see your entry yet
Our next Critique Arena is scheduled for 2pm MST on Nov 17 (check here for other time zones). It's sure to be another nailbiter!
In the meantime, it might be a good idea to get cracking on the Nov prompt, because it is a doozy!
The prompt is: This was the end of the road for Kamari...Or was it a new beginning?
You have @Jake-Parker to thank for this one!
(And just fyi, I'll be posting a thread for the Nov contest shortly, let's keep this one for the Oct prompt
Here is my submission for this month.
@Kim-Rosenlof Thanks a lot, Kim
@stephanie Thank you so much, that means a lot!
@stephanie Your piece made me feel all the feels. You really are good at reducing concepts down and just concentrating the heck out of them.
Great piece.
@Mia-Clarke - I'm glad the message came at the right time. Your work is awesome. I meant to say that I loved the delicacy of your "linework" but autocorrect changed it to "lifework"!
Apologies - I didn't have my specs on when I was typing!
@Martha-Johnston glad I'm not the only one lol! I love the way yours turned out.
@Mia-Clarke Thanks so much!
@Mia-Clarke Thanks! I'm loving this community. It's helping so much with my work.
@JacksonAdamsArt OMG! I was looking at this last night and then the joke hit me and I laughed out loud. Brilliant!! (I'm new to the forum and new to the upvoting process, etc.. Ignore if you can see my accidental down-votes and then corrections of that
. Love the work!)
I see there are many strong contestants this month!
Should be interesting!
I made a piece as well, not sure if it won't be again considered as an unclear story. To be honest I struggle with coming up with ideas that are not too complex and not requiring a context. This is sth I'm still learning, so that's how I view Critique Arena: as an opportunity to learn. I don't want to make sth banale, but as a result I feel like I end up with sth that only makes sense in my own head
And I admit, I took a risk with that angleI would be interested to know what anyone makes of what's going on here
@mzameckaart From what I could see, is this an underwater civilization in a microscopic form, holding a ceremony, with the cat outside looking on? Not sure what the other character is and thought she's a mermaid that is misplaced? Anyway I could be totally off but I do want to say your rendering and paint are beautiful.
@mzameckaart Ok looking closer that's not a mermaid, she's the owner of the cat, she's obviously human holding a glass of water. Sorry about the mistake!!
This was a busy month for me, but I was able to do an illustration for the prompt "glow". It is definitely not my favorite piece, but it's something. I considered not entering this month because of not having a lot of time to illustrate, but I have been entering the contest every month for a couple of years now, so it didn't feel right not entering something
. At least I got some drawing time in.
@mzameckaart I actually like the angle. I love all the people in the bowl. Makes me want to know the whole story.
@kirsten-mcg These are great! I am interested in the bird story, and love the cozy campfire illustration.
Don't you hate it when you notice things after submitting? I do that all the time. -
@Jeremy-Ross The characters are so cute!
@JacksonAdamsArt This is funny! Love the concept.