October Contest: GLOW!
@BNyhof fantastic. love the colors
@stephanie cute characters. I like how the glow figure is smiling and the others not.
Re-visiting these character poses. I am getting closer... trying to retain the innocent face, yet there's too much " older face " still. Children have a softness I am still seeking.
Thanks @Kim-Rosenlof!
I like your piece, too! What an interesting twist. I’ve been MIA most of this year due to work, but starting re-entering again past 3 months.
@Kim-Rosenlof This concept is brilliant!!! Great piece. Glad you submitted it even if you knew you could take it further
@Martha-Johnston Thanks!
These are both delightful! Nicely done and the first has such a unique story. Love the warmth and coolness of your colours in both.
Congrats on two entries!!!!
@stephanie this is super cute. I really like the simplicity of your design.
@Kim-Rosenlof This made me laugh
@Heather-Boyd Thanks! I appreciate the feedback.
Hi @Norman-Morana, Great piece!
Hi guys, here is my picture for this month.
@ArtistErin I love them! That nose and those eyes are just like those my 2,5 year old daughter has. And where she's jumping and sleeping I see that vibrant liveliness of young kids with her smile. Maybe the eye brows are usually not so well shaped at that age? Depending on the kids maybe as well, but they seem a bit plucked in shape type of eyebrows? Maybe more chubiness in the cheecks? Can't find what else could make them less young. I remember Will Terry talking about this in one of the podcast episodes. But I love them and the remind me of my little girl.
@mzameckaart It's a salt shaker. She has it just uncapped it and is ready to throw it, so she has the top still in one hand while hiding the container itself behind her back. Salt traditionally protects against ghosts.
It was a bit of a challenge to have an important detail be so very small, so I tried to make it brighter. But it wasn't the focal point, and since the details of the story were l already given in the book, I had to think of the best way I could to make them part of the image. Really, what I'm hoping to get out of this is a critique!
@marek-halko How whimsical! Ghosts finding an extraordinary moment in an everyday setting. Love it!
@marek-halko Love it!
@mzameckaart The Sims!!! Yes I played that for a time, it was the closest thing to dollhouse interaction in a game format I could get my hands on at that time
Might be dating myself, and having not an ounce of patience for video games, anything past Animal Crossing on Nintendo was the extent of where I played... my kids will send me "remember when" videos of early scenes! Loved that stuff. However I'd be inspired to draw after pulling 100 weeds or shaking the crap out of the peach tree, and my eyes would be fuzzed out from staring at a screen for far too long.
@Chantal-Goetheer Awww thank you
That's so encouraging!!! Trying to get to that space of character design where there is no perfection, clean but loose rendering, and simpler... it's just a whole lot of practice
Yes I agree with the less manicured eyebrows! Funny you say that too, I had some squirrely eyebrows and I find myself manicuring my kid characters eyebrows because I didn't like them, nor did I like my dimples! I had a kid comment about "the girl with holes in her cheeks" lol and so from then on I became self conscious. HA HA!
@LauraA Could you see what happens if you get rid of the whole desk and mirror? Maybe it makes the girl blend in too much with the wall but it might also draw more attention to the girl? I find the mirror catching my eye more than the girl.