Hi everybody!
I'm usually more of a lurker in general so going in and sying Hi right away like this feels a bit strange. Anyway. I'm Tess, I'm from Sweden and I'm looking to improve my art skills with the long term goal to be able to illustrate some of my own stories. I'm in my early 30s, working nearly full time and have a one year old to care for, so my time is limited. I've been drawing on and off for all my life, and really enjoy it but has always put off learning any kind of fundamentals or so, since I've like many others found it incredibly boring.
Maybe I've matured, or maybe I'm just inspired by the 3 point perspective podcast, but recently I've changed my mindset about it, and now I'm here.
Looking forward to seeing more of all of you! -
@Napoleana hi! Welcome to the forum! I totally get the family/ art balancing act. It is not easy. I’ve been working through that for 15 years now. So glad you’re making your art a priority though. I think Mama’s really need a creative outlet.
Hi @Napoleana /Tess, welcome! This is a great place to learn and share. I Am also a newbie here. Totally relate to the lack of time. I'm from the Netherlands. My kids are 2 & 4. I'm blessed I can work parttime, but still it's a challenge but so happy I made this choice finally. Looking forward to see your work!
@Napoleana hi! Can't wait to see your work. It's great to hear from people who are doing creative projects alongside family and work.
@Napoleana Welcome! Looking forward to seeing some of your work. This is a great community!
@Napoleana Welcome!! I think you’re going to like it here!
Looking forward to seeing you embark on your creative journey!
@Napoleana hi welcome to the forum
Hi Tess! I’m also from Sweden! Welcome to the forum. It’s a bit quiet here during what is daytime for us, but this is a very nice forum to wake up to, as there’s usually been a lot of activity during the night.
Investing in fundamentals is a good idea, I’m looking forward to seeing some of your work!
@Pamela-Fraley Thank you! Yes I think you're right that we need some creative outlet, it's sure true for me.
@Chantal-Goetheer Thank you, it's good to hear from others who are juggling the same things.
@MarcRobinson Thank you!
@Stephanie-H Thank you!
@susanhowarth-art Thank you, I think so too!
@Griffin-McPherson Tjank you, it sure is an adventure!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Thanks!
@Mia-Clarke Hi and thank you, cool to see another Swede here!
Hi Tess! Another newbie here! Though I joined months back, the last two days have been my first time really spending time in the forum… due to family life and commitments! … and it’s wonderful! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading and seeing all of thw support, constructive critiques and suggestions, and TALENT! I often feel alone in my creative dreams and ambitions and i’m just so happy to be apart of this community! welcome!
@Napoleana Hey, welcome! Mom and artist, you're doing a balancing act! You've got this! Glad you've joined.