October Contest: GLOW!
@LauraA Could you see what happens if you get rid of the whole desk and mirror? Maybe it makes the girl blend in too much with the wall but it might also draw more attention to the girl? I find the mirror catching my eye more than the girl.
@Chantal-Goetheer Hmm, interesting! I wasn't wanting the girl to be the primary focal point (the ghost is), but it's something to think about. I'll have a look at it when I do future revisions.
@marek-halko Your always in my favorites
@Jeremy-Ross hey, thank you, Jeremy!
So many entries this month! Great job everybody! Entries are up on critique arena website if you haven’t seen yet!
@marek-halko This is beautiful! As always the light and colour is spot on
@Asyas_illos So I saw this thread and went to the website, I saw everyone's incredible entries!!! However I did not see mine! I don't know what happened, I submitted it on the website weeks ago, I guess I need to write and find out if they have it or if it was missed?
@ArtistErin yah just email support@svslearn.com or tag @Lisa-F maybe she can check it out?
@ArtistErin it’s possible they’re still adding them too, I don’t think I saw @Kim-Rosenlof ’s either.
you are too good, like really you're on another level
@ArtistErin Mine is missing too. Thanks for letting me know @Asyas_illos . This happened a couple of months ago to me, and I just emailed them and attached my entry. They couldn't find my original submission, but posted the one I emailed them. I am not sure if I forgot to hit submit, or if there is a problem with their system. I thought I was extra careful this time, but it was late when I did it, so I may have been too tired to realize I didn't submit it. Just let them know and they will post it for you, as long as you are a member of SVS Learn.
@Kim-Rosenlof I hope it is just an oversight and thank you for getting back to me, I'll see what Lisa says. I won't be sad just yet! Crossing my fingers
@Asyas_illos Good point! Hoping that's the case...
Thank you
@Julia-Hegetusch @Kristen-Lango @andreazupcsan @LauraA @Anna-Lindsay @Jeremy-Ross Thank you very much guys, you made my day
@Kim-Rosenlof Wrote and heard back from SVS support, they are good with me just sending my submission via email rather than re-posting on the site, as that would guarantee they would receive it and expedite getting it posted on the website. Anyway, hope to see yours there too Kim!
@ArtistErin Oh good. I am glad it worked out.
@Martha-Johnston I like this version better (without the aquaponics). I wasn't sure what the other images were, and it made me think of a science experiment.
@LauraA First, this is a beautiful illustration! I love the wall paper, and furniture design, and the characters are very expressive. The effect you used on the ghost woman is great. It's clear that she's a ghost, and she looks ethereal.
Here's what I see:
An old man was sleeping & just woke up with a ghost beside him. I thought, "Wow, he must have done something terrible to her!", because the ghost seems very vengeful. She is about to attack him with scissors (that are real, not ghostly).
The young woman on the right seems to be a maid or caregiver. It's hard to tell what is in her hands, but the one behind her back might be a medical syringe? So maybe the man is hallucinating? But I think she's looking at the ghost, so I think the ghost is real and the man is in danger, unless the girl can stop the ghost.It's good storytelling, even though I can't tell exactly what is going on. It makes you want to hear more of the story.
@LauraA Instead of taking out the desk & mirror, you could lighten the color so there's less contrast (e.g. make the top 1/2 of the mirror more like the part at the bottom part next to the picture frame).
You could also try changing the reflection / shine lines to angle a little more toward the ghost, instead of toward the chair (although, the fairly vertical slant does represent that kind of shine, so I'm not sure if it will read the same if you change it much).
I didn't finish on time, but here is my idea for glow, so I thought I'd share it.
At first, I liked the idea of having a wall with three windows. (I would have added more people walking in the rain in the background, & maybe some trees along the street.)
But then I realized it would probably be better to crop it down.
This is inspired by the song, "Catch a Falling Star". ("Catch a falling star & put it your pocket, save it for a rainy day.")
The story is that the girl caught a falling star with the help of her dad (that's what the photo is trying to show, but I don't know if that comes through), and now that it's a dim, rainy day, she's climbing up to put the star in the lantern. I didn't get as much "glow" as I intended, but I did get some practice drawing humans!