It’s 2023, Thoughts on Social Media for Artists:
@Jeremy-Ross everyone's had a lot of good advice for you, but I just thought I would add my two cents worth, since this has been a topic on my mind recently. I do have an instagram account that I started in 2019, as well as a twitter account that I just started a few months ago. I don't have a huge amount of followers on either, though I have more on Instagram. Of the two I like Instagram better. But it is nearly impossible to gain traction anymore! With more and more emphasis going to reels, I've been wondering, if I have to make videos, if it might be more worth my time to creat a YouTube channel than lots of little 1 minute reels for instagram. I don't enjoy the reel-focused instagram as much as the picture-focused instagram from a couple years ago. I don't think I'll go so far as to delete my social media accounts, but I've been seriously considering moving my energy to creating a blog, newsletter, and YouTube channel.
Hi @Melissa_Bailey, I certainly do recommend Guiseppe! I took advantage of one of his promotions.
Thank you @Kristen-Lango! You make great points! I might just have some super fans out there. Appreciate the perspective!
Your 2 cents are appreciated @kirsten-mcg!
I wanted to throw my opinion on here as someone that IS focusing on social media and does have a good amount of followers.
I chose to grow social media because I had already been working professionally as an artist for a decade and wanted to transition my career. So - no you don't need to have a following to work as an illustrator.
However, I felt very stuck in my career with bosses that told me I wasn't a very good artist and after 5 years without a promotion, and struggling to find a new job. I was super tired of being dependant on other people for my success. I wanted to be fully self sufficient and have freedom and flexibility and to work in my own style and on my own projects. I wanted to create my own brand of which books was a part of my path.
I've been very fortunate to grow to 30k and my literary agent found me through Instagram. I also had a successful Kickstarter and am doing well with sales on my book that I self published. And I thank a lot of that success to Instagram. So it CAN be amazing.
But at the same time I've collected almost 1000 emails for my list which Jake talks about in the video on social media. I know that those 1000 names are more valuable than the 30k followers on Instagram because at the end of the day I'm still reliant on Instagram to share my post or to stay relevant or to not lose my account etc. I've also started posting more to the other social websites so I don't have all my eggs on one basket.
Growing your social media following is a lot of work and takes its own amount of studying to understand. You don't need it to get an agent and you don't LIKE it so you probably don't consume it. I think it might suck you in and could distract you from your great goals.
If you really want an audience maybe there's a creative way you can build a mailing list without social media? I think you mentioned a blog before? Or you can offer a free gift for people that join your list and use Google ads to drive traffic.
Thank you @carlianne! I can’t believe your prior bosses said your art wasn’t good; IT’s GREAT!
I appreciate your insight and sharing the benefits you’ve experienced from Social Media. Definitely helps me see differing views.
After reading this thought provoking thread, I can’t help but think of the old adage (is that the word?) of wherever your heart goes, your body will go. In other words, if you want to focus on growing a social media audience, then it won’t be too much of a chore and great things will happen. If you want to focus on portfolio building, talking to agents, art directors, etc. then that won’t be a chore and great things will happen
Whichever path you choose will open up opportunities because that is where you are placing your focus.
For me, I posted very little across my social networks last year as I wanted to focus my spare time on drawing my latest book. I couldn’t have done that if I had to draw free stuff to post all the time. I worried that I was stifling myself by not being a social media rock star. But for me, having a book to show people is cooler than a bunch of social posts that nobody will see because of algorithms and far better artists than me posting all the time. So I’m focusing on what I want to do (make cool books) and use social to build relationships with people/fans. But this is what is true for MY needs. Not sure I’m making sense or even answering your original question
Here’s the 3 major focus areas I need to do this year to grow:
- Paid professional portfolio review.
- Make better portfolio-worthy pieces
- Get a mentor in the industry, 5-10 years ahead of me who can provide guidance to get me to the next level.
Hi @danielerossi, reminds me of the saying, “Where your attention goes, energy flows.”
Great input and best of luck with your book!
Social media isn't working for me. None of my posts get seen at all on either twitter or instagram, and I haven't gotten any random new followers in a long time. I get a lot of spam account followers. Sometimes people I follow will return the favor, which I do appreciate. I do have a few art directors and artists that follow me and check out my instagram stories every time I post one. It's one of the things that keeps me posting every week. My art and posts are inconsistent at this point, so I know that doesn't help. I feel like my time is better spent just drawing and making projects right now. I'm also trying to build my email list. I've had success with cold emailing and gotten jobs that way.
Thanks for sharing @tomparsonsart! Love your work!
@Jeremy-Ross No problem. Thanks, I love yours as well! I also wanted to mention, I've been scouring magazines and the internet to find emails for CD's and AD's at magazines and publishers, and it's been tough at times. But I've been able to find some folks on LinkedIn and have connected with a few. I send an intro note and a link to my website. When I post art on instagram, I also post on LinkedIn. I feel like it's easier for my connections to see and not get lost in the noise. But who knows? Nothing has materialized yet. I also have a couple of previous clients I keep up with this way.
Be sure to also interact as well. That is, leave genuine comments and such on other people’s posts. That’s the whole point of social media. Social. Building a relationship with your followers and those you follow. Then eventually, they will start sharing your stuff, telling people about you, etc.
Thank you @danielerossi, great advice!
I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos on the topic, including the one from our very own @NessIllustration, and have decided to give it a shot!
The community here on SVS is technically Social, so I’ve been doing it all along, just differently,
I’m taking the plunge!
@Jeremy-Ross well let us know where to find you!
But try not to let it distract you from building your portfolio
Btw I checked out your bedding and licensing art and it's great! I'd love to see you use that style and color palette in an illustration.
Thank you @carlianne! Will do!
Hi @carlianne @danielerossi @Griffin-McPherson @kayleenartlover @kirsten-mcg @Kristen-Lango @ksfabian @Melissa_Bailey @NessIllustration @tomparsonsart
It’s official! I posted my very first Social Media Post, which happens to be a Reel!
My IG account is in my signature below. Thanks again for all the great advice!
@Jeremy-Ross Congrats! I’ve followed you and liked your posts . You really got the hang of Instagram very quickly!
Thank you @danielerossi! I’ve always loved making videos, so I’m having fun with pairing it with my art.
Thank you so much for following me
@Jeremy-Ross Congrats!
Others have covered it pretty well, but I'd say social media isn't optional at this point.
My publisher asked me to get my following up by 12 thousand (!!!) when we first talked. I was at 3 thousand, and was soo happy about that. When she said the base number for them to be interested was 15k, my heart sunk. I worked hard at it (two posts a day, reply to or like comments...) And also worked on my drawing ability every day. I draw for at least about an hour daily. People see the improvement and like to follow someone that posts a lot, or the algorithm likes that.I also paid for some boosts and ads, and I think instagram liked that. They worked, anyways!
I made friends with some big artists by talking to them on instagram, and they shared my stuff in a post or a story and that's huge. Also, people seeing that some big artist follows you is a big deal. So, hunt for those white whales!