New videos
Thank you Lee!
Really looking forward to these!!
Oh yeah! These are going to be fun and educational to watch.
I've noticed they're coming really fast lately, it's getting hard to keep up! ^^
The hair one is excellent, and I cant wait for the business one.
Who and I kidding, I cant wait for any of them. I cant say how much my subscription to SVS means. Thank you all for your generosity with your time , knowledge, and experience in making such well rounded educational programs for us.
I'm certainly a happy camper
So worth it, I have watched a few of them more then once. There is always so much to pick up on! And yes to the business class!! So needed! I think that is coming this week along with one by Jake Parker??
Any update on when the business class will be available? I've been watching for it!
it's done (parts 1-3). We are loading it to the site later today. : )
@Lee-White Woot!!!! Yeah, so excited. Thanks for putting this together, Lee!
thanks! I hope you guys like it. It's three hours which is sort of long. But I cover a lot of information and there is much more coming.
I gave part of the information in the video at a college lecture I did on friday and they were just blown away with it. They had never heard about any of it at all. They were sophomores and couldn't believe they were halfway through with school and hadn't heard any of it before. One girl even realized she was in the wrong school and said she was going to transfer to a different school based on the information. So that's encouraging.
Still, please let me know what you think because there are two more parts to the video and I can address your concerns there.
@Lee-White That's awesome about your college lecture! Spread the knowledge!! I'm sure the course is going to be VERY eye-opening for me and many others here. I know what I'm doing later tonight...listening and lots of tea. I'll take notes and let you know if I have any questions. Thanks again!!
@Lee-White Seriously can't wait to watch and learn. Going to be a good Monday night now it sounds like!
It's up! Check it out when you get a chance. All feedback is welcome!