@Griffin-McPherson here's a great video from SCBWI MidSouth that walks through the very basics of putting together a printed portfolio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iExVZ7uF-kM
If you're crunched on time and can't wait to order in a portfolio book meant for displaying artwork, I recommend going to a craft store near you and looking for a scrapbook that uses post binding. This will allow you to take out all those extra plastic sleeves at the end which will look a little nicer. For example, the Michael's near me has this one in stock: https://www.michaels.com/product/12-x-12-cloth-scrapbook-album-by-recollections-10110610?michaelsStore=9543&inv=3
In terms of what I've seen at the portfolio showcase I've participated in, do not bother with medium/original size/date/ page #/ etc. - if you want to put anything on the page, just create a simple footer at the bottom with your name so if someone were to snap a picture of any page in your book it would include your name.
The first page of your book should be your name, your contact info (email and website is fine) - I also add "currently seeking representation" or "represented by:"
When I print out my art, I always leave a small white border because I think it looks nice but my book is quite large. If your book is 8.5x11, you may want the art to go full bleed just so that everything is a bit larger.
Here are a few pictures of my book, I found it really helpful when I was doing my first book to see what other illustrator's books looked like (the post it notes were added by the judges during the portfolio showcase):
These two are of a paper book dummy I tied in to the back (this is an extra and you totally don't need it but if you have a dummy, use a string to attach it to your book)

Here you can see the slight white border I left, I did not add any info to the page other than the images.

Sometimes I show a bunch of spots all on the same page to make it look less empty (these are all from the same project too, which helped)

This image went full spread over the gutter of two pages

Title page with my name

And the front cover of the book - I think this one is 12x15in.