Critiques Please! Assignment #2 - Developing Great Visual Stories
I would mix 1 and 3.
What I like about 1 is that you have the past on the left and the present on the right. However the point of view of 3 allows a better understanding of the size of the tree, and it is more dramatic. The expression of the kid should still be visible though, as it will help telling the story. I don’t think the view of the city is needed though; you could skip it if that make things too busy? -
@skeletortoise Great! I can definitely tell now that the tree is big and the child is reacting.
Just throwing some additional thoughts out, feel free to ignore:- Should the tree be closer to the house? or maybe be surrounded by more failed plants? At the moment it feels like that specific plant was put further away specially, as if it was expected that it needed more space.
- Oh, that's it. I have no more thoughts.
So you’ve changed your mind at the end
Very nice work! It was really interesting to see you explore different solutions. -
@skeletortoise Nice!! I think this vantage point works really, really well for telling the story of a tree that’s grown very suddenly. If you were to ever take this further, I’d just think it would be cool to maybe show the tree doing things like smashing through a window, pushing on a chimney, or lifting up a car or something with its roots.
@skeletortoise Yes! Brilliant! Very effective with the houses close by and the tree outgrowing the space, plus the fun point of view with the child and his reaction.
@Sarah-VanDam yes I was playing around with the idea of the tree breaking something, maybe even starting in the house and breaking through the roof! Thanks for the comment!
@Robyn-Hepburn thanks so much! I'm glad it's working
I think the zoomed in images are really capturing the feeling you want to convey!
if this is meant to be part of a picture book, just keep in mind if you want it to be one page or a two page spread, because if it is for two pages then you don't want important stuff in the middle where it will get cut.