@Blima-Spetner Using the plan drawings of the room and furniture provided on the pdf construct the room using one or two point perspective placing the camera anywhere in the room. After the room is constructed you are supposed to go in and make it look like an illustration by fleshing out the forms provided in the room. There is an isometric view in the pdf that should be helpful in visualizing the room and where you might want your point of view. If visualizing the room is where you are having trouble I have made a quick 3d model of the room that might help. It is isometric also so will not help with perspective but might be helpful in some way…or not. I made a couple of the walls translucent where I thought I would be likely to put my point of view.
I also added a perspective view from the ceiling just for fun.
Link below will take you to an interactable 3d model.