Lightbox 23
Guys, I'm dying with excitement. My husband just surprised me (today is my 40th) with tickets to lightbox. We're Canadian, and so this is a big trip to make. I'm literally in tears.
Who else is going?
@AngelinaKizz Happy Birthday! You’ll have to let us know how it goes!
@Kevin-Longueil thanks! My day is off to an amazing start, that’s for sure! I’ll certainly share my experiences here! Maybe I’ll get to meet a few rabbits too!
I'll be there!
@Mimi-Simon right on! Are you traveling there? 3 day pass?
@AngelinaKizz yep, I'm coming from the east coast so I'll be there all three days. Just going to network though, not tabling this time.
@Mimi-Simon if you're up for it, we should meet up at one of the booths! I'd love to meet a fellow rabbit!
Awesome, I hope you have a blast.
I have to admit I am jealous a bit as my fiancée and I went to the very first Lightbox Expo and it was amazing. We had tickets to the second one and then BAM, Covid and we just haven't had a chance to get back down there to go. Maybe in another couple of years as next years trip will be Scotland.Congrats on getting to go, congrats on joining the 40yo Club
and once again, have a freaking blast. It's an awesome show.
@AngelinaKizz Yes absolutely! Jake will be there too so we can go harass him as well XD
@Blitz55 thanks♡
@Mimi-Simon I absolutely would love to meet Jake!
@AngelinaKizz Like Blitz55 my wife and I were at the first Lightbox Expo in 2019 and it was mind blowing. We will be there this year. So maybe all of us rabbits can all meet at Jake’s booth if he has one.
@Kevin-Wilkins that would be Awesome! He's on the list of participants!
@AngelinaKizz when you said that I had this thought that I had met Jake somewhere but it's not exactly true. He appeared virtually at Artistacon 2019 and answered one of my questions though.
@AngelinaKizz Omg! Happy birthday and congrats and have a blast!
@ArtMelC thankssss!
@AngelinaKizz Wooo! What a great surprise!! I have always wanted to go since it first started, but it'll be another year at least until I make the trek. I'm coming from east coast, so it's a bit of a trip.
Have fun!
@AngelinaKizz Congratulations!! I hope you have a blast. I’m thinking about it. I’d really like to go at some point, and maybe this year could be it?
@skeletortoise thanks so much! I'm still so blown away. Especially that my non artist husband also bought himself passes and will join me all three days.
@Sarah-VanDam thanks! You should come!