I’m over thinking “Flight”, HELP!
I have thumbnail editing out way more ideas but narrowed it down to these three. Help me stop overthinking and get to work!
option one, a kid raising a baby griffin and it finally flies.
option 2, girl turns into a werebudgie (parakeet) when she eats millet bread.
or 3, cockatrice chasing down two kids saving eggs from being dinner.
I had the same problem! So hard not to overthink.
Here are my reactions to each of your ideas, in case that might help?
- The millet one intrigued me: I'd like to see a werebudgie and I think that's a really fun concept. (though I'm not sure about the punchline - just my opinion, and I'm notoriously hard to amuse.)
- With the cockatrice one, my first thought was: will it be clear that they're saving the eggs rather than stealing them?
- The raising of a baby griffin made me smile, overwhelmed by the cuteness.
I don't know if that helps in any way, but I hope you manage to make a choice and create something you're really happy with.
@Robyn-Hepburn thanks so much! I a definitely struggling to decide because I love them all. But other feedback I’ve gotten is to do the cockatrice one. But as a potential portfolio piece, it’s hard to not want to do a comic.
While they all have potential individually, I feel the cockatrice piece might fit the challenge better.