Sketchbook Page on Website
Hi SVS Fam, I decided to start posting my sketchbook work to my website as a separate tab titled, “Sketchbook”.
Since it’s all traditional art, I thought it might be a good idea to show it on my website in case folks want to purchase any originals in the future.
Also, I had an Art Director tell me that showing sketchbook work is good to show work in progress and drawing skills; however, it needs to be separate from finished portfolio pieces. She also suggested to use Gallery view for both sketchbook and portfolio rather than having to scroll past large images encompassing the screen.
Curious what you guys think?
@Jeremy-Ross This is awesome. I have a mountain of sketches that I could put on but never have. I have instagram, but haven’t put the bulk what I’ve done online. Great job
look forward to seeing more from you
Thanks for your feedback, @stayhomejoe !
I love this little guy, he's hilarious!
I like the suggestion the Art Director gave you.
Personally, I really like seeing the sketches of other artists. It's like a peek behind the scenes and I find it really interesting and informative.
I like the way you set up your website and I think I am going to do something similar by adding a separate sketchbook to my site too as this is something I have been thinking about. -
Thanks for the feedback, @Jessica-Jolicoeur ! The little guy cracks me up every time I see him. I’m going to do all the monsters eventually…