How should I format my graphic picture book manuscript?
I'm an illustrator/writer working on a graphic picture book. I need to find a format for my manuscript. I've hunted online to find solutions but haven't had any luck. I'm not sure a traditional picture book manuscript will suffice in this situation. I'm leaning towards writing this as if it were a graphic novel or comic book manuscript, but I am unsure what would work best for submission to agents/publishers. I will be sending them my storyboard/dummy with the manuscript when completed. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
@jennmaynard73 so is it like a comic book?
This is an example of how Kazu does Amulet but I can get a better video -
@jennmaynard73 and again if this is a graphic novel/comic heres a bit of advice from Jim Zub. But I know Jake is perfect for this so lets ping him
@jennmaynard73 I would love to know this too. Can’t wait for the new class!
@jennmaynard73 is this a picture book or a graphic novel?
So, to clarify...
This is a picture book, but it is illustrated with panels like a comic book or a graphic novel. The style is called a graphic picture book. Confusing, I know.I'm not concerned about how to create the storyboard/dummy. I'm trying to figure out how to format the manuscript, and the written text should an agent/publisher request it before the storyboard/dummy.
It might not matter, but I'm guessing it would be formatted like a graphic novel or comic book. I'm not sure though.
This looks like what I might need to do, thanks!