Got the sketch in the WIP thread for the Living Underwater prompt. Figured I would try out a quick and dirty color sketch. Wanted to make sure the shark's cast shadow was going to work. I think it will.
Sketchbook | Joshua Chennault
Here is an update for the griffin as well. Edited some aspects of the character.
Making a character sheet for it and giving a few details on griffins in general for this story. Griffins, unless they are babies, are almost always this really big creatures. So I drew on an experience from Jr. High when our class took a trip to Galveston and ate at a restaurant there near the beach where the gulls constantly accosted us for our food.
Just thought it would be neat to see some griffins that are bit more goofy and annoying in the city life of a fantasy world. Kind of gull or pigeon-like mixed with a bit of rat.
Mind the teeth.
- 11 days later
- 2 months later
Worked a bit more on the May prompt for Living Underwater. Wanted to work a bit more on the character design/story based on the sketch I posted in the WIP thread, before I go into the sketch further and refine.
Got some basic information on the third image. Little tidbits about how their society/culture functions. They tend to operate in small communities, or even just families. Intelligent, but they remain in a hunter/gatherer stage. Usually found in tropics, around the continental slope, shelf, and the shallows. Sometimes ventures into more open water, but prefers nearer the coastlines. Basic 'religion' where they revere the manta ray, but fear creatures like sharks and orcas.
Coming up with history and backstories really drives me to work on and finish illustrations, so I tend to deep dive into that...sometimes too much, but at least it is fun.
@Joshua-Chennault thank you for the inspiration!
I recently teamed up with an illustrator for a couple guest drawings for one of my stories (the booklet will be like a journal from a handful of travelers each recording what they saw in sketches)
And I have this huge loredump and reference images that I sent to them, but I realize dI need a nice character design file like the one you have here, so Ill get to work on it. -
@Joshua-Chennault I love your design for the merfolk! And I love how labeled the different details! Can't wait to see your finished work!
@Tash you can hit reply on Joshua’s message so he gets the compliment, Im just a wondering wonderer lol
@makekong good catch! Thank you!
- 7 days later
@Joshua-Chennault hi Joshua! this is awesome work! welcome to the four btw!