Godzilla prompt: Lets Share Our WIPs and Inspiration!
@makekong Don't forget to add the dancing in the book.
@makekong said in Godzilla prompt: Lets Share Our WIPs and Inspiration!:
@willicreate you got me singing
(Spongebob tune)“Who lives like a hobo, sleeps under the sea?”
Its God Zi lla
His best friend anguirus has spikes just like his!
Its God Zi lla!Don't forget to add the fairies. Just DON'T.
Hey everyone! Thank you to everyone who has shared their Godzilla wisdom! It has been enlightening and inspiring! Im excited to see what sort of amazingness yall cook up in the coming month!
I really liked how the guys took a minute to introduce the upcoming prompt at the end of the last livesteam. To recap to those who missed it, they said this is the time to let your creativity run wild. Come up with a story and make your own version of godzilla that is appropriate for the story and the audience (it helpful to know more or less what happens in the story so you can make an engaging and compelling cover—ie story advertisement). Include the title and by-line (the typography should also support your story. An out-of the-box type may detract from the feeling and punch, but you can trace over a font and get nice results if typography is intimidating to you).
Jake said “there are about 15 of you imagining what youre going to do right now—its a worms eye veiw, three point perspective, there are all these skyscrapers going up, and a giant godzilla foot in foreshortening coming down towards you—DONT, i repeat, DO NOT DO THIS
Remember what we learned today, simplify simplify simplify. If you can draw the cutest coolest looking godzilla design, start there and build an illustration around that you will be much better off. AND PLEASE START NOW BY MAKING YOUR OWN MOODBOARD! Get all your reference and let it melt together into the image youre going to make.”
I made a lis of familiar childrens book themes/plots to get my brain working, i highly recommend you make your own crazy list or feel free to steal one straight from here
- And the birthday party
- And potty training
- Goes to sleep
- I love you so much
- ‘S first day of school
- tells a lie
- cleans his room
- Eats his veggies
- Makes a new friend
- Loses his favorite toy
- Is scared of the dark
- Searches for treasure with a group of pirates
- Goes to (or snacks on) the moon
- Gets lost at the store
- Moves to a new place
- Gets angry
- Wins the spelling bee
- and the parody of a beloved well-know story
Here are the pins i found most compelling from a little dig. I just love the Miyazaki looking anime stuff….. unfortunately iv got a lot of work to do before i can figure that out… im excited to post my moodboard and sketch later and to see wha you make!
Its interesting that all of these images are without exception from a side view…. Hmm maybe the guys are right, simple is better…I hope these posts are as helpful and fun for you as they are for me!
See yall around! -
Here's the thread from the last time there was a SVS Godzilla prompt (different but still fun to look back on!): https://forum.svslearn.com/topic/7622/june-contest-godzilla-s-next-challenger/98
@StudioLooong wow thanks for sharing that link—its really interesting!
@makekong This is pretty cute!
@ArtistErin Hi! This looks well drawn and made me curious about the story but it took me a bit to understand, looks like a casting office for a Godzilla movie, and something went wrong with nr. 215? Is nr. 216 startled by the noise? The others look happy? At first, as I was expecting a more "children's book" idea, I thught they were kids at a drawing class
then looked more carefully at the details.
For now, the idea that stuck in my mind was that of Godzilla and King Kong fighting over toys ( building blocks forming cities, of course), and tried to sketch the two charachters…. Hope something starts to take shape
Adding a bit of progress on the sketcking and thumbnailing front:
Looks like Godzy it’s a girl. And little Kong looks a lot like Mrs Oyster from my previous submission -
I know "Godzilla dealing with his anger issues" is a joke as old as time, but I like it so much I had to go in that direction. Currently just trying to get the sketch how I want it, before moving onto a traditional pencil drawing. It takes longer, but I ALWAYS prefer my results if I do the drawing traditionally. Even though it gets 99% covered with digital paint.
@MarcRobinson Such nice and skilled drawing! I feel like good drawing skill is indeed best built by working in a traditional way, and then you can use the advantages of digital over the traditional experience. Even if working on a tablet can mimic the paper experience so well, it lacks some underrated qualities of working on paper: the limited undo options that make you more aware, the feeling of erasing with an eraser, the clear scale of design and line ( not being able to zoom ).
Also very funny idea too, and character expressions great :)))) I could see this as a comic directed to adults too.
@Fey-Realme I didn't get to say thanks for the awesome ideas list and reference you posted, it really helped to get me started. Actually the Godzilla potty training had me in stitches and I might just do a simple sketch of that too
@Oana thank you! Yeah I've never really enjoyed the experience of drawing digitally. I love painting digitally but drawing never feels right. Also it's so nice to use traditional media and get away from screens.