@Yogita-Chawdhary This is excellent!!! Love the perspective and shifted angle. Very nice.
SVS Studio OCTOBER 2024
It would be great to get your comments on whether you understand what's happening in this picture and how clear it is overall. This would be my submission for November, but based on the feedback I received in October, I'm wondering if the characters are too thin and thus unclear. I also know the frog is quite small, but can you tell what he's doing and why the princess looks sad? Because I really don't want to hear again that my illustrations are unclear.
Thank you in advance!
@Enni-Heikura I think your style is really cute!
The frog looks like it's about to eat a worm.
I think the princess is sad, because her prince friend is now a frog? I took the prince's shadow on the wall to mean that they'd been friends before and she misses him.
I can't tell what the picture on the table is supposed to be though. Since you draw attention to it with the heart, I'm left wondering what it is and why it's important. Is it supposed to be the prince and princess?The princess stands out way more than the frog. Thus the main focus of the picture seems to be the princess's melancholy. This makes the frog and the disgusting food seem like they are more in the background. It might fit the prompt better if more attention was drawn to the frog. Like maybe the princess is looking at him sadly.
@Enni-Heikura I, too, am reading this as the Princess being saddened that her Prince is now (or back to being) a frog and is disgusted by his eating worms. I am reading the pictures on the wall as showing disgust or dismay.
I think it might be stronger if the table were shorter so that there was more direct interaction between the frog and the Princess to show that her sad look is being caused by him (if that is what is happening.) And if the picture on the table is him when he was a prince, that could also be bigger so that it would be clearer. I'm also not sure about the shadow behind the frog -- is it of the frog before he got changed to a frog?
I do love your style, though, and really enjoy your pieces.
@Yogita-Chawdhary This is excellent!!! Love the perspective and shifted angle. Very nice.
@jvartandillustration Oh yes, they really can be. OMG. I used to paint Trompe L'Oeil. It consumed me... and I oftentimes way underbid and it was easy to slip into scope creep. I idolized Graham Rust, who would only contract 1 mural a year. But his murals took on a life of their own, and he was paid handsomely for it. Great job on yours by the way! Hope you can wrap this up soon, for your well being!
@ArtistErin Thank you so much, Erin! This was fun to work on. I owe the perspective to a great reference photo.
@Yogita-Chawdhary I Try to honor perspective first! It's my greatest challenge to date. I feel like it can make or break a composition. It's one of those things too that confounds so many! I need to visit the library again and pick up some books on the subject.
@ArtistErin Totally feel you on that! I honestly struggle with it too. I always have this clear vision or angle in my head, but when it comes to actually drawing it on the canvas and lining up the perspective, itโs tough! I find myself relying on references a lot to get it right. I really need to make time to study it more and get a proper hang of it too.
@AthenaBeana @demotlj Thank you both so much!
Your comments were really helpful, and you understood the story correctly. The princess is sad because her prince has turned into a frog, and she longs for him, which is why the picture of them both is on the table. The princess is disgusted by the frog eating, while the frog enjoys his worms.
I changed the princess to look at the frog and made the table a bit shorter. I hope the image is clearer now.
I also tried adding green to the worms to indicate that they smell.
@Joshua-Chennault I LOOOOOVE this!
This is a sketch I did in Central Park while I was visiting New York City which I scanned into Procreate when I got home and painted digitally. I was really amused by seeing the pigeons perched on the characters' heads and hands. I'm sure NYC natives don't give the pigeons a second thought but they brought such whimsy to the scene for me.
@Jeremy-Ross great textures on this piece!!
Thanks @mag !