Intro to Prop Design Final
I've been sitting on this image for a few weeks now and finally worked up the courage to post (not because people here are mean or anything, I'm just insecure about my skill).
Please tell me what you think!
I tried to repeat shapes, but also portray that everything is a little mismatched. The character in the story only gets hand me downs, so I wanted the props to look used but loved.
I think my biggest issue is with breaking things down in forms and giving volume (like the back of the chair arguably needs a redo and it's so squished -.-), but I also see how I improved already. Two months ago I wouldn't have been able to draw multiple things that look like they're in perspective together.I'm also not sure if I overrendered. I prefer a more painterly style and have trouble to let the piece go. Does it look like bird poo?
Thank you for any feedback in advance! It's much appreciated!
Great job, both with the assignment and with having the bravery to post. It can be hard, but it gets easier the more you do it
Remember that your art is not YOU, it's just something you DO.
Though the perspective is slightly off (as you mentioned with the back of the chair looking a tad squished) it's still overall a pleasing image that would fit in with a children's book easily.
You could also add a few darker shadows to the green of the chair since the shadows on the rest of the pieces are a bit deeper. I'm mainly looking at the lamp and the wooden block on the chair leg as references for this. The difference between their lightest lit areas and their darkest shadows is far greater than the lights and darks of the chair body. I don't know if that makes sense, lmk if I need to elaborate more.
Related to the shadow comment, I'm a little unclear about the light source in this piece. The shadows of the table and the chair on the ground seem to be coming from different places, and there are no cast shadows for the cup and lamp on the table.
Overall, like I said at the top, you did a great job on this and you should be proud of yourself! I love the little "used but loved" details like the wooden block replacing the missing chair leg and the crack in the glass lamp. It does give it a sense of a little setup that's been used a lot.
@katiebee Looks Awesome, great job!
@StudioHannah Thank you! Yeah I'm getting better at just doing the thing without putting my whole person into it. It's a journey for sure.
I see where you are coming from with the shadows on the chair and you're right, I could go a little deeper. Your explanation made perfect sense :). I tried to capture that luminocity of velvet upholstery and the shadows in my reference images didn't look too deep, but that's of course also heavily influenced by the lighting conditions of those rooms.
There are cast shadows for the lamp and the cup, but I think they are getting lost in the overall dark values of the table. But on closer inspection, they just add to the confusion of the light source. I definitely didn't put enough care into getting the shadows right.
Thank you for your feedback! Sorry for the late reply, I got swamped with work the past week -.-
@Kona-McDonald Thank you!