Online Portfolio Image size
Hi SVSland,
I am getting ready to revamp my portfolio. I was curious if anyone had any recommended image sizes for an online portfolio. I always feel like I am just guessing and throwing stuff up there. I want it to look great online and for people to view it up close in a larger window. However I don't want it to be high quality enough that someone could run prints off or otherwise rip me off. I know that a determined person can steal no matter what you do. But I would like to discourage where possible. I am not a huge fan of water marks as I think it detracts from the work. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
I like to save the images around 1500px width at 72 dpi. Then I will scale as need be for thumbnails. Or if you are using some sort of plugin for your website it should scale it for you. But I feel that is not to large and its large enough to scale it down. Saving the images at 72dpi will also save on file size, thats if you design at a higher dpi.
Thanks Chip!