How to split an image in adobe?
Does anyone know how to split an image in Adobe, there has to be an easy way. I created whole picture spreads but they have to be submitted as 2 pages, and I need the images split in two, but more importantly to match up when printed. I have googled it and not found what I am looking for. Thanks in advance!
Hi @Imrush - you'll need to place your artwork on a double-page spread in InDesign, then when you export it to a press-ready PDF, you select 'Pages' (NOT 'Spreads'). And don't forget to include crop marks for bleed. There's lots of YouTube videos on double-page spreads in InDesign that can help guide you.
To clarify, you wouldn't 'split' a page in Acrobat once you've already created a PDF. You do it as you're exporting to the PDF. Hope that helps!
@DanetteDraws Thank you so so much I will take a look!!!!!!
I would save a copy and then use the change canvas size option to save the images with the exact same dimensions.
@DanetteDraws With some you tube viewing I was able to do it through indesign as you suggested, it was fairly easy, I am so happy I could cry! Thank you Thank you!!!! I can not tell you how much I appreciate you- And a big thank you to SV,S I would not have been able to do my first book project without you or the connections I have made through your forum-feeling emotional
If you have a jpeg of a facing pages spread, for example page 2 to the left and page 3 to the right:
In Photoshop open the jpeg then name it Pages 2-3, save.
Use the rectangular marquee tool, find the middle point of your spread from the left of Pages 2-3. (if your book is 8" X 10", your spread width is 16")
Go to IMAGE- then CROP.
Rename this file Page 2. Save.
Open the file Pages 2-3 again, then repeat the same process to create Page 3 by starting your marquee tool from the center to the right. Crop, then re-name it as Page 3.
You will now have Pages 2-3 spread, Page 2, and Page 3. -
@LBrady Thank you!!!!
@lmrush YAY! So glad you figured it out and that I could be of some help. InDesign is really the best there is in terms of a layout program. I couldn't live without both InDesign and Photoshop.
I look forward to hearing/seeing more about your book - please continue to share your journey with us!