Posters for a vet office
These are really nice. Love the dogs with the selfie stick what a great idea. Website is looking really nice. Looks like you took Sam Nielson's schoolism class too. I love that guy. His class was probably one of the best I've ever taken. Great work!
These are wonderful! My only suggestion is to flip the 'Sala Visite 1' so the Dr. is running off the right side of the image. As people tend to 'read' left to right.
They look like a lot of fun! Great work.
Some beautiful dogs.
@evilrobot Thank you! Yes, I did take Sam Nielson class and it is indeed the best class I have ever taken - has had a huge impact on my work. I have taken his second one too (Lighting for Story), which is also good, though less practice-oriented. Unfortunately meeting him in person has stumped my admiration a little: he is a very business-like and not very approachable person.But a great artist and a great teacher nonetheless.
@Katrina-Fowler Good catch, I will do that!
I think they all look great
Very nice designs I like your website design as well, its clear and easy to navigate.
Love these! Like always, I am really impressed by your draftsmanship!
I will have to look at Sam Neilson's class! I still have 2 months before my schoolism subscription ends!
Oh my goodness I love these so much!
You have such a ease with your drawing technique. beautifully rendered!
Thank you everybody so much for the positive feedback! The customer is now discussing sizes and uses with his I am going to wait before going on with these and the other four. If they turn out well, I am going to try out Society6 with these and see how that works...
I LOVE these! And your drawing skills are spectacular!
I love how dynamic are your sketches and the overall design of the pets. I look forward the final versions!
@smceccarelli Love these animals. Such personality Really fun to look at.