Jack's Concept Art
Thats great to hear, and thanks for the wonderful comment
I am really struggling to build an audience. I really want to be able to do more freelance projects for clients so I am trying to promote myself on the internet and social media but it is so so difficult. I don't want to sound arrogant but I think I have the skill and consistency but nobody seems to be taking notice. Any tips? (here is a little sketch I did for fun)
@Jack-B My tip and this is what I keep telling my kids, if you are passionate about something just keep trying. No matter how many times you fail, get back up and do it again. Eventually it will come. My path till now being 38 is I focused on college, found a career that would make money and was secure. While in college I got some contract work with a company doing web design, I worked hard and 16 years later I am still there and very comfortable. I about 12 years free lance work in the evenings building websites for extra cash and always continued to draw for fun. Now its time for some change so I am pushing myself into illustration more. I will do the same as I did with web design, take my time and things will fall into place. I will fall and get back up. I set goals for myself and work toward them. Bottom line, you are young take your time and put in the work.
Also cool piece you got there, the blue rim light seems very hard. Maybe soften it up the edge a little.
@Chip-Valecek Thanks so much man, not only for the life advice but the advice on the piece. This is super helpful and gave me some hope
A 3D character I started. I have to take a 3D class for animation next year as a freshman so I thought I would try and get a head start!
Little doodle for fun
Another sketch, Zenyatta from overwatch
Some work done for a game. Trying to make some money so I can pay for my college next year.
Loved the design for baby Dory. If you like my work I post this type of stuff everyday on my instagram!
Here is a bird character I was working on! Let me know if you see anything that could be changed! I am always trying to improve
"Searching for purpose"
@Jack-B Great work, very bold and I like the Sci-Fi themes.
Thanks for sharing.
@Fay-Bycroft Hey Fay! Glad you like them
Thank you!
You're a hairy wizard...
"I am Ron by the way, Ron Weasel!"
"I'm Herlione Granger, and you are?"
Draco Malfoy... of Slotherin
This post is deleted! -
Lord Voldetort