Character description PDF for Wizard of OZ :)
I found a PDF of the character descriptions for the Wizard of Oz - should be useful -
Thanks Kevin!
@Kevin-Longueil Thank you! It will be useful to me at least - Wizard of Oz is not something that I've come across a lot where I live!
@Leontine @grafithjarta - There is also a Kindle edition of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" for only 99 cents on amazon - i was finding that the PDF was not enough - i was looking for more physical descriptions - You do not need a Kindle to get a Kindle book - you just need the Kindle App - i have it on my iPads - Lee mentioned that we cannot change the story - in the book it is very specific that Dorothy is wearing blue and white gingham .... this is the kind of thing the PDF is lacking - anyways hope you are doing great on the Character design challenge
@Kevin-Longueil I am not sure the challenge intends us to be that specific. My interpretation is that the story needs to work still in the same way (the motivations and challenges of the characters are the same). There have been many interpretations of the Wizard of Oz characters, and definitely there has been no regard for how the characters are described in the book. Maybe @Lee-White can clarify how close one needs to be to the original description?
You just need to stick to the major story elements, not the details of how each character looks. So clothes, hair, etc. can change quite a bit. The story just needs to work as is.
You basically have a Wicked Witch, two Good Witches, An innocent girl, a cowardly lion, a scarecrow (who needs a brain), and a tin man (who needs a heart), and OZ himself (who was a fraud). There are some other, secondary characters too listed below.
Their personalities should match the original, but their design, setting, and style can (and should) change. (By setting I mean what world they are from. Do not design an environment for this project).
Here is a very basic description of the characters. Stick to this in terms of their personality and then have fun designing a new look for them.
Let me know if you have any other questions. : ) -
@smceccarelli @Lee-White Thank you both - this clarifies things
@Lee-White Saw this after writing my question in the other thread - thanks that does clarify things.
Can't wait to start, its a really nice challenge!
@Lee-White Well, that changes my plans! I had been thinking of doing Oz in the future, kinda of my idea of the story continuing. My characters won't really fit in with normal Oz...maybe a bit... back to the drawing board!