Drawing "Chopped" Challenge?
So, I got this idea today while listening to one of Jake Parkers videos on the 30 day challenge. It doesn't really have anything to do with 30 days but it just camd to me. Has anyone ever watched chopped the cooking show? Chefs are challenged to use weird ingredients from a basket to make appetizers, main course and desserts in an allotted amount of time. So, I was thinking that maybe it would be fun to do a similar challenge with art. Well, the materials wouldn't necessarily be weird but they could be things we don't usually use together. Maybe we could all do it on the same day but, whenever... I won't actually be able to do it until next Monday because I'm leaving town for a wedding. Or, if strapped for time it could be done three different days. So, if anyone wants to try it out these are the rules:
Time allottment(sp?):
Set your timer. You can't go over at all!- list item
To choose what you will draw with, make a list of six things you have available to you, ex. pencils, ink, charcoal, pastels, watercolor, etc. Roll a die three times to get three different "ingredients" You can use other things in your studio or home but you must incorporate these three things somehow. Use any paper or canvas you have around or a cerea l box or whatever. Do this for each round so that you get a new set each time.
"Appetizer" Round
10 minutes
Draw something that starts with the first letter of your name. Open a book (maybe a dictionary) and look for a word that starts with the letter and draw something that is related to that word somehow."Main course" Round
Draw something incorporating something from this list: (roll a die to pick which one you
30 minutes- person
- building
- vehicle
4 animal
5 plant.
6 furniture
"Dessert" Round
20 minutes.Draw something that includes 3 sweet ingredients from this list (you can use a die again-roll three times to get three different things). It shouldn't be a picture of food but it will have these foods in it).
- whipped cream
- candy canes
- a fruit of your choice
- chocolate chip cookies
- lolly pops
- marshmellows
Let me know if you want to try it and then please share your work! I'll do it on Monday or maybe I can do an "appetizer" before that. It will be a challenge in creativity and maybe in drawing something you're less comfortable with. For me that is furniture , buildings and vehicles especially
- list item