100 Super heroes
Day #12 Robin
First image I did in Ipad pro with these brushes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3uOX9iTtbY very nice brush set....um...once I could get them installed...turns out I'm a super big idiot when it comes to tech stuff....
Day #13 Swamp Thing
Day #14 Wildcat
Just a quick one today. Not much to this guys costume. Picked up a couple illustration jobs today so I got to get crack'n on those....can't believe people are paying me to draw stuff...so cool...
@evilrobot Great job on these and congratulations on landing those illustration jobs! Are you going to put these together as a print when you are done?
Maybe some of the better ones. I don't take a lot of time on these so some of them are pretty unremarkable. I don't know if I'd have enough interest in a print I'm a big nobody right now as far as art goes.
@evilrobot I'd buy one
It was easy to set up a society6 storefront (cost a buck) and put a link on my portfolio page - now when folks want a print they can get it - i order one of my own prints from them to see the quality and it is pretty nice - https://society6.com/product/little-movie-heroes_print#s6-3371144p4a1v45 - here is a link to Will's print that made me think of it for you
Day #15 The Question
Day #16 Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Day #17 Black Canary
Day #18 Shazam
Day #18 Shazam Rendered version. Felt like doing a little rendering tonight.
Day #19 LOBO
The old Lobo the new one DC has now is total crap.
Day #20 Cyborg
Great idea! I've just been doing an S challenge for September. I did a doodle a day using an S as part of the subject and it also had to start with an S. Some were realy bad, some better. Only 2 more days I think anf then I decided to do Inktober! Maybe I'll try the 100 things after that...as long as I can still work on my book. They look great.
@evilrobot I'm loving these! Keep it up. They look great.
Day #21 The Warlord
@evilrobot So fun to see your drawings. 100! That's an awesome goal.
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Day #23 Jonah Hex
Day #24
Just a digital version of the Ghost Rider I did for inktober.... Think it's time to do some Marvel characters now.