digital watercolor
First time using digital watercolor-using Kyle Webster's brushes-He even has a salt brush "wow". This is for the scbwi contest, I tried to think about what I have learned as SVS while doing it. Because it is digital I can make changes-critiques wanted, tips needed- I grew up in Canada and a few times in my life someone from a different country asked me if I had polar bears in my back yard- the inspiration for this piece. I am thinking about adding snowfall.
Nice work:) I also use Kyle Webster's brushes they are really nice. I think some snow fall would look really good on this piece.
Polar bears
I love Kyle's watercolour brushes! I love your colour palette in this piece
@evilrobot Thank you! I want to add snow but want to keep it looking watercolory so plan to try the salt brush I found
@Camomilla Thank you so much, I think I need to push the values still though
So I added snow and deepened the values and made the bear more realistic, not sure if I like the lighter simpler or this one, thoughts?????
@lmrush Oh, I like this even better
@Camomilla Thank you, I find it so difficult deciding how far /detailed to take a painting.
@lmrush I like both very rendered and detailed pieces, and the more loose ones. Different styles fit different stories or topics
@lmrush I think that taking away some of the snow piles behind the polar bear and cropping a bit would help with clarity! Fun piece!
@artspreadsjoy Thanks I will give it a try!
I like the second polar bear better. It is lovely! I would love to see the girl stand out more, though. Her clothes, ribbons, and face are so close in value and tone that it all blends together and her delightful expression is lost. Try a darker/more saturated color for her clothes. Also use a cooler color--that will contrast with the warmth in her skin. And if you make the ribbons red, they will stand out more and help visually tell your story. The 2 most important elements of your story are the ribbon being carried off and the girl's reaction. If they are the only things that are red, they will stand out and be linked. Check out this illustration by Brooke Boynton Hughes. (Your color palette and delicate lines reminded me of her work.) That is what I mean by using red as a story-teller. The girls arm reaching for the stars and the girl's face (both red) are the story. Everything else (all blue and green) is just backdrop. Your illustrations always have so much delicate emotion. They are always lovely!
@Joy-Heyer Thank you Joy, I will take a look and play around with that!
@Joy-Heyer And thank you, Brookes work is so lovely-she was a quest on SVS in a video I watched a while back wasn't she?
@lmrush She was. I love her her simple but expressive style...2 words I would use to describe your style!
@Joy-Heyer thank you!
Did some revisions based on the feedback I received. Thank you everyone for taking time to help me with this !!!
lovely! I also use some of Kyle's watercolor brushes too! they are great and I love his blending tool I used it 100% for my digital watercolor.
@Naroth-Kean I found the blending tool halfway through this piece. lol I saw @Lee-White post one day about how he had designed digital, working out design and problems first and then created the traditional piece-I thought that was just brilliant!
I wanted to share I finally did a thumbnail sketch first (as highly encouraged by our instructors) and I think that and fellow students input is the only reason why I am happy with this one.