Looking for feedback
This looks so awesome! I would read this whole comic, you do beautiful work. One tiny thing--I don't quite see one of the eyes of the character in the first panel, and that may be why the gaze seems to be going off to the right rather than at what is being pointed at. I'm not sure if that was intentional, I just thought I'd point it out.
Ooh, nice! Love the style. Could there be a bit more variation in the clothing and dogs? I think for the person farthest away, the blue would be lighter.
here is the second page
@Kimberli-Johnson What lovely paintings you make Kimberli! Appealing and lively, but also easy to read. I Love it!
Really great work, I thing digital retouching could really add a bit of polish to your images.
I think the value of the cross bow arms and the characters hood are so close that I'm losing them. Take for example your second image (which is very well done!) the crossbow arms really stand out against the dark value of the green trees. Great work!
Thanks for all the comments guys, I have been experimenting with different water color technique and I think I am finding something that works a bit better, I do feel that both of the above peices need some work but I feel this one is a little better
I watched this watercolour process by Cedric Babouche https://vimeo.com/124028606 (who in my opinion is a water color master) I am hoping to keep improving so one day I won't have to rely on digital touch ups. Thanks for the feed back it is alway s helpful!
This is really great work. If you haven't checked out Lee's video on lighting yet I'd give it a watch. I am always fascinated with watching technique videos and he goes through his process of using watercolors. Very helpful!
I will definantly need to check out Lee's video lighting has always been something that I struggled with!
I was just checking out the cedric video you linked to. Really awesome!
I am trying to get some last minute fan art done for Salt Lake Comic Con so I here is a smaug painting to go with Bilbo!
I like the choice to use an oval border (instead of rectangular). I think it adds a lot.
Great work!