
@BichonBistro Thanks very much!
Redraw!! Here's my last official drawing of Inktober, though I have more businesses I'm working on still. I wanted to do a redraw of a portrait that I did last inktober. I've learned a lot about ink as well as portrait drawing (and drawing in general) through the SVS classes this year. I was feeling pretty discouraged about my progress till I dug out last years picture for comparison. Wow! Hard work and practice = progress!!
Last year's is on the left. This year's is on the right.
Last day - Day 31! My characters seem to be a bit disappointed that Inktober is over, as is their creator.....
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This post is deleted! -
Hey guys, I'm new here. I knows its a bit late, I wanted to share the inktobers I made this year, I missed 7 days after the second drawing but I managed to do the rest of the month before October ended. I mainly used the pentel pocket brush pen and a set of faber-castelle grey set brush pens.
At first I wanted to do an Alfred Hitchcock theme, cause I was watching Rear Window on Netflix when I started.
One of my friends suggested drawing Alfred Hitchcock in a toga in keeping with my theme, and because I was on a trip to Rome the month before.
Well, I missed like 7 days because a lot of things were happening in the first week on October, and I decided this would be my last Hitchcock themed piece. -
So I decided to use the prompts instead of using a theme, it saved me watching through my Alfred Hitchcock DVDs for ideas. "transport' was the 11th prompt I think, so here is Goku riding Nimbus.
This poor robot janitor's worrying isn't helping his situation.
This was my favourite so far, loved Luigi's Mansion back on the GameCube. -
Most folk who had an N64 will remember this scene.
This was the first time I've drawn any Lord of the Rings characters despite loving the films. -
My deku tree inktober was pretty popular so I decided to do another Ocarina of Time piece. This was the first piece I did to get over 60 likes on instagram.
Wanted to practice my sword poses for the "battle" prompt.
Had memories playing Rayman 2:The Great Escape on PC. -
The dishwasher decided to go to silicon heaven that day. Ha ha.
Might do more Star Wars stuff next year.
Was very happy how this armoured werewolf turned out. I need to work on my dynamic poses more.
Inspired by the beetle wrestling pastime in Japan. -
Can't go wrong with Disney's Robin Hood.
Was getting into the Halloween mood.
Inspired by the excellent animated short "Borrowed Time"
The prompt for day 26 was "box". -
Well, here is the last bunch.
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31