Poster for vet office - new update
That is such a great drawing! Full of fun characters and details, I'm sure it will delight pet owners and the people working there. I look forward to seeing it coloredshaded, whichever version they decide on.
I am sorry I am not contributing much these days. Things are sort of exploding and I am swamped.
I have finished and delivered this meanwhile, so for the curious, here is the final. It is a highly compressed version, so most of the details are lost. If you want to see all the 5 million fur hairs that I had to paint, there are some details on my website.As per last discussion, they plan to plot it and mount it under plexiglas - hope they send some pictures when they are done!
@smceccarelli SO GOOD!!!!
So awesome my favorite is the dog fur!
Awesome, love the cat going after the fish water bowl.
Wow, great work. That looks so good.
@smceccarelli Turned out great Simona! - would love to see the installation photos too
Your painting skills are Crazy good! I I was looking at the sketch for so long but then I scrolled down and saw the colors! So well done!
@orokotanman @evilrobot @Rich-Green @lmrush @Charlie-Eve-Ryan @Kevin-Longueil Thank you so much for your kind words!!! I hated it towards the end, so it is good to get some perspective
Just re-watched one of Lee White´s videos when he says "the size of the final image may affect your process, so ask the client about it" - and I thought how true that is!
In case you get asked to do images for a billboard, calculate at least 3 times the time that a standard size would take (I am talking for digital - traditional is a different story altogether) and make sure your computer can handle the file size. My first billboard two years ago was the reason I ended up buying a new computer....And thinking of big images, here is one of my favorite artists doing something amazing:
He is a crazy guy doing HUGE art - normally live - all over the world. And also some pretty amazing "normal" art. His videos also introduced me to psy-trance (one of my favorite types of music while I am painting).
@smceccarelli Great work! The tortoise and the hare on top reference was not lost on me
Great piece smceccarelli