100 trees challenge
@Jana Can we put in requests for a few more winter versions of trees? I know you are tired of winter in the real world but I think your trees in winter are so beautiful and would love to see a few more!
@Rich-Green When I look at my tree collection, I had already the feeling that there is some more blue missing.
Honestly, I was out of ideas to make the next winter tree different from that which I got already. But now that you pushed me, I guess I will take the challenge and try some more.Hopefully, I can show you something soon.
@Jana I really like all of the trees you've been doing. I'm not a Botanist, but have you ever thought about doing more tropical or jungle trees? I'd love to see you do some of those with vines and other tropical flowers on them, too : )
@Ed-O Hi Ed! Yes, I thought about exotic trees already. Actually, I want to do these awesome baobab trees soon. We call them Affenbrotbaum, which means monkey bread tree. But I focused first to those types of trees which I would need for some fairytale illustrations.
But you are totally right, some jungle trees would be fun as well! Anyway I have 79 trees to go, so lots of options are left.
Thanks for the ideas and for following my challenge! -
@Jana I really like the paper weeping willow
These are gorgeous! You're doing awesome with this challenge. Are you doing these in Photoshop, or Illustrator, or another program?
@Jana Number 20 is my favorite! I love the colors on this one!
@MirkaH @SarahLuAnn @drawingmelee
Many thanks for your kind feedback.
I am using GIMP, a free photoshop-like software. The vector-like look comes from using the path tool for building the shapes. -
As Rich suggested, I tried another winter tree for number 22. I am a little overwhelmed by the round shapes. I am missing some straight lines. What do you think?
It is supposed to be a kind of creeping pine.
Another winter tree for Rich.
But I could not resist to make another blooming one.
Here is numer 23 and 24.
@Jana I didn't know you were using GIMP to make these. Does that allow you to add some texture to these, too? I really like the look on all of these. And making a baobab trees would be KILLER ; )
@Ed-O In principle, Gimp works like photoshop. Ofcourse not to each detail. But they tried to implement most functions which also photoshop has. So you have also the option to work in layers and to multiply, overlay, subtract them or whatever you want. This way I am adding the texture by working with a paper texture layer.
I am already looking forward to an African series. -
@Jana - Love this new winter tree and the blooming one as well. Thank you so much for creating a few more winter one's for the collection, love them both!
And I also want you to know that I look forward to signing in here and seeing what you have added to this collection each time. Such nice work!
@Rich-Green Thank you so much for your kind words, Rich! I really appreciate how you motivate me and help me pushing all the way through this challenge.
I am so happy that you like the winter trees.
Today, on my daily walk in the neighbourhood I saw some nice rowans. I guess I will try some of these next. -
Your trees are getting better and better!
I love the coloring on the winter trees.
Thank you, @drawingmelee .
The winter trees are really the biggest challenge. It is really hard to get new ideas about them.
Today again a summer version, this time a rowan.
I am loving these trees! Especially the rowan.
These are great, plus you are 25% of the way there, keep pushing
Thank you, @anthemsweet and @RobinSlee for your feedback and encouragement. I will keep pushing! Just 75 to go, yeah...
@Jana That rowan is gorgeous!