Communication Arts Illustration Competition 2017
@QuietYell Thank you again Scott - i am always in awe of how thorough your posts are - really appreciate the kind words too - after looking at the winners from last year i see that i am further out of my depth than i had imagined
really inspiring though - i'll keep at it and maybe level up before next year!
@Rebecca-Hirsch Thank you Rebecca! Congratulations to you! I just read Tommy dePaola's review of your excellent piece - "This was the happiest image (for me) in all of the entries...." - that is such great feedback!
@Kevin-Longueil Thank you!
@Kevin-Longueil Oh my goodness! Is this you that made the short list?!!!
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@QuietYell Looks like it! Big congrats to @Kevin-Longueil!! Fingers crossed that you make it to the finalistis!
That is awesome , congrats @Kevin-Longueil
@QuietYell No Way!!!! Thank you Scott! I just checked it out - I made it into top 1/4
it looks like about 4000 folks entered and the short list is 1258 artists - The first four Wizard of Oz pieces is what made it in - thanks again for the heads up on the competition I never would have entered without you. This was a good day to receive a little boost like that too
@smceccarelli Thank you Simona!
@lmrush Thank you Lisa! -
Major congrats! That is so awesome. And well deserved too--you do great work!
@Kevin-Longueil Congratulations, buddy! I am so incredibly happy for you. It is difficult to get into CA, and making it through to the shortlist is in of itself quite an amazing honor. It is a joy to have alerted you to this opportunity and see you get this exciting boost! Go Kevin!
@Kevin-Longueil Wow so exciting! Congrats Kevin!
Congratulation @Kevin-Longueil , you deserve it! You've done a lot of great work this last year and I think good things are in store for your future as an illustrator
Oooh big congratulations @Kevin-Longueil! So pleased for you - your work is so very skilled, unique and interesting, and I'm glad to see it get recognition
@Sarah-LuAnn Thank you Sarah! Really appreciate your kind words (whenever i see your avatar i think of the first third thursday i entered - it was "Jack and the Beanstalk" I though your entry was really great!... i love the woodcut look that you have mastered:)
@Rich-Green Thank you Rich!!
@natiwata Thank you Nat! I don't think it would exaggerating to say that you helped me have the confidence to enter - the conversation we had in the chat a year or so ago really helped me see my work differently - so thank you
@Dulcie Thank you Dulcie!! Really appreciate the kind words -
"We regret to inform you that your work was not selected for this year's annual ....our sincere thanks for entering this year - The Communication Arts Team" - Got this polite message today
Thanks again everyone
@Kevin-Longueil oh so close! sorry to hear that you didn't get into the annual itself; however, very happy for you to have made it to the shortlist, which is difficult in of itself to get to.
Herzlichen Glรผckwunsch - Congratulations - also from my side!!! I am so happy for you!
@Kevin-Longueil ooops... I hope you donโt misunderstand my last post. The congrats are for the short list, which is awesome.
@Kevin-Longueil I am sure you are not too sad about missing the annual, right? Enjoy the short list!
@Jana Thank you Jana!! - i understood your post
(had to look up "Herzlichen Glรผckwunsch" though
No i am not sad ... i think that making the short list was validating in a way - it was a great surprise too!
I think you have all reasons to be proud. Your work is awesome! You are sure to win competitions if you keep entering and keep up the good work!
@smceccarelli Thank you Simona!