Will's "Draw 50 Things" assignment
@Lee-White Is step 4 missing? in the 2nd video he gets to step 3 and the 3rd video he is at step 5, also in the video list it looks like DFT 3 isn't there (or am I just blind?)
I think he just miscounts because it picks up right where he left off in the video before.
@Gary-Wilkinson did evilrobot answer your question, if not I can send it to Will. I haven't had a chance to check out the video yet. Hoping to get to see it today.
Yeah, one video is missing.
@Lee-White checking it out right now... great stuff so far. Adding it to the "Fix my portfolio" projects list.
Will confirmed one is missing. Fixing it today. Thanks guys!
My take on #draw50things art challenge. I only did about 30. This was so much fun to work on!
It looks great.
I love the colors. -
Love your line work...really channeling Moebius and the color is working really well with the line. Great work.
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen @evilrobot Thank you so much!
Throwing my hat in the ring for a 'draw 50 things' Will challenge: Here's my early value sketch:
Although it goes without saying on the wonderful SVS Forum but I am happy to receive any suggestions or critiques!
@WhiteboardJim Looks like its gonna be an interesting drawing:)
However, i cant figure out what is representing the black shadow and where is its owner. Could you add some descriptions? I would say its a messy living room or a garage but what is the 'exit' sign? -
@aska It is a messy living room and the owner is sitting in the black funny shaped blob there in the center. I am really hoping to get the values looking good here before I worry so much about the specifics of the guy sitting at the sofa, and the exit sign is just another element I thought I could throw into the scene to create some interest. I'm not sure if it will count as an additional item as the rules for the assignment only count things that do not require a tool to remove. The exit sign would not normally go in a home as it is a piece of eclectic decoration!