Schizophrenia , iPad illustration
when someone draws something about their life you can't help but to be able to feel it. I really like how you show the experience through the eye, and the glaze at no distance. It's the feel of timeless.
@Naroth-Cow thanks
I guess there's only one way to help people with mental diseases , the help can be spreading the word about what a mental disease really is, because most people portrays us like drolling lunatics, and we are not like that. People with schizophrenia isn't (at the most larger percentage) dangerous to anyone and will not hurt anybody but themselves, in fact I have 3 failed suicidal attempts, but I never tried to hurt someone else, I like very much your comment about the timeless part
greetings from Mexico
@Isaac-Vargas-Cardenas I would like to see some of your positive work, stuff that inspires you. I understand about painting being therapy, I have suffered from depression, my art, and religion was my way out of it. Keep you head up and keep painting.
@Steve-Young well in fact religion and therapy have helps me a lot out of this, I'm sorry to hear from you suffering depression, I, like almost any schizophrenic suffer from it as well because the condition has so many affective disorders that being depressed is almost a natural state of mind for me, but I'm glad to hear you use your great art as therapy, thanks for the comment
I'll try to upload more positive stuff
@Isaac-Vargas-Cardenas my depression is caused by chronic pain, fatigue and brain fog, it has stopped me working, art is the only thing I am able to do for any period of time. There is a lot of time i am unable to do anything. That frustrates me, though I am becoming more able to do reading and sketching, that made me more positive.
@Steve-Young oh I'm sorry to hear that, well you too keep your head up and keep going , hope you get better soon enough
@Isaac-Vargas-Cardenas Thanks, but its incurable. I am getting treatment so its not all bad.
@Steve-Young well that makes two of us , at least we know that there are more people with our conditions, and that they keep fighting, best of regards
True, that means we have a support system
@Steve-Young indeed