Check out the new SVS website!😊
Everything looks fabulous! Fantastic job, everyone!!
Such an awesome new site! Amazing content. Great job, team SVS. With SVS I get to follow my dreams!! Woot
It looks amazing! I'm excited to look around it a bit more.
I just wanted to publicly thank @Aaron for helping fix my account issues that came with the site transition. He has always been a great help. Thank you & congrats again on a site well done! @Will-Terry @Jake-Parker @Lee-White
Looks amazing,well worth the hard work you put into this new site.
Hey guys,
Hope this doesn't sound negative but the new site seems less convenient... it takes more clicks than before to navigate around. Also, it doesn't recognize the subscription I've had for a couple of years. It doesn't recognize my email. Then when I try to resubscribe it says my email is already taken. I've contacted support and they are looking into it.
Hi Chris,
It may seem like it takes more clicks, but it's just because we have a lot more information than before. To get to your classes it should be as simple as clicking on "Video Library" and that is only one click.
In regards to your account, you should have received an email yesterday giving you a password. If your account was active, then your info was already transferred to the new site which is why the email is already taken. You don't need to re-subscribe. Just login using your email and the password that was sent and you should be all set.
If not, Aaron will be in touch with you shortly to get it worked out.
Let me know if you have any other questions at all. : )
I agree with Chris that it takes more clicks to navigate. When on the student dashboard no more than six courses are shown at a time with no option to load more per page. So finding a new course means clicking through the pages and looking at six courses at a time until I find the one I want. It's not a deal breaker but that aspect is a little more inconvenient than the previous format. Hopefully this is one of the little wrinkles that can be ironed out. Overall the new design looks fantastic.
@Jon-Anderson , I just click on "View More Courses" under "Your Student Dashboard" and all SVS courses appear on two pages with a search bar for quickly finding a course (and of course clicking "Video Library" works too!)
It's taking me a little while to "unlearn" my navigation from the old site, so I think I'm creating more clicks for myself
@Jon-Anderson I'd agree that a "continuous/infinite scrolling" function to the course display might be more convenient rather than the pagination function.
The downside is having to keep scrolling to find something rather than jumping to a page it is on (or was on when new classes are added). But I suppose that is where a filtering system comes into play.
Would be nice to have search/filter on the "My Dashboard". Also would be nice to have the ability to flag my favorites in order to quickly find and re-watch those. I'm sure an endless list of UI/UX requests could be made though...
@Lee-White a very minor thing I noticed is that while it is great that this is a responsive design, the category filter dropdown and search bar (as well as the left/right courses listed) do not have a left/right margin/padding on them, so at smaller browser window sizes, they butt up right next to the edge of the browser window, rather than being inset some (e.g. 25px space between left edge and start of the content regardless of the browser window size). Should be a very easy css fix. Again, no big deal, but this might make the design be a little more breathable at smaller browser sizes. (I'm on Chrome Version 58.0.3029.81 on Mac OS)
Thanks guys, we appreciate the feedback. The classes are being changed to be all on one page. So no more having to click to see more. Right now it's divided onto two pages. We are also updating the keywords for the search option so that should work better as we get that info entered.
@Lee-White Hey Lee how do we find the classes that we already own, too...vs the class library?
@MissMarck Thanks! I didn't realize I could click on that. It does make it easier being able to scroll two pages than clicking through multiple pages with few options and I think it's also better for the long term than continuously scrolling one page.
@Lee-White In my short time here I can already tell you and the other admins pour a lot of time and effort into this and I wanted to say thank you for that and also the willingness to hear the students feedback. I'm sure that whatever design you guys settle on will be the best.
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan Send aaron a list of the ones you own ( Unfortunately we couldn't automate that, so we have to do it manually.
Oh...I don't know if I actually have a list of the ones I own. Hmm. Will have to check out the site and see if mine are missing too...
Hey guys!
Cool new design, just wondering if it'd be possible to open courses and buttons/links in new tabs?
Same with the forum. It might be just me but I just find it frustrating to have to click 'back' all the time, and find where I was up to.
Site looks fantastic! Great job.
@Lee-White Thank, Lee! I'll let Aaron know.
SVS has so much content pretty soon it is going to be on par with a 4-year art degree. I personally think it's even better because the classes can be taken over and over again. Plus still, have Live class options too. Though I'm sure there is still a big advantage to traditional schooling, just too expensive and not flexible enough for this mama. Too bad you guys can't give out art degrees.
Maybe certifications someday?