Check out the new SVS website!😊
@MissMarck Thanks! I didn't realize I could click on that. It does make it easier being able to scroll two pages than clicking through multiple pages with few options and I think it's also better for the long term than continuously scrolling one page.
@Lee-White In my short time here I can already tell you and the other admins pour a lot of time and effort into this and I wanted to say thank you for that and also the willingness to hear the students feedback. I'm sure that whatever design you guys settle on will be the best.
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan Send aaron a list of the ones you own ( Unfortunately we couldn't automate that, so we have to do it manually.
Oh...I don't know if I actually have a list of the ones I own. Hmm. Will have to check out the site and see if mine are missing too...
Hey guys!
Cool new design, just wondering if it'd be possible to open courses and buttons/links in new tabs?
Same with the forum. It might be just me but I just find it frustrating to have to click 'back' all the time, and find where I was up to.
Site looks fantastic! Great job.
@Lee-White Thank, Lee! I'll let Aaron know.
SVS has so much content pretty soon it is going to be on par with a 4-year art degree. I personally think it's even better because the classes can be taken over and over again. Plus still, have Live class options too. Though I'm sure there is still a big advantage to traditional schooling, just too expensive and not flexible enough for this mama. Too bad you guys can't give out art degrees.
Maybe certifications someday?
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan Our new website does give out certifications of completion when you finish a course! : )
@Lee-White Ohhh, I like that!!
Still trying to figure out the new site, it certainly is very pretty. It didn't recognize my old password and I had to send out a new one. And now it doesn't have any of my subscription info, only a list of of courses I have done (though it states I at 0 watching time). If I want to see a new video it says I have to pay -- though I had a yearly subscription.
@SwampGirl can you email aaron at If you had an annual subscription, you should already be in the new system. Your old password will not work. Your new password was emailed to you a few days ago. We can get you back on track with just a couple of button clicks so email aaron and it will be done today.
@Lee-White Minor issue : "How to Design Action Figures with Nate Baertsch" says "Sorry, there is no video" on the initial course page, but there is a "Next" button at the bottom and that page shows a link called "Nate Baertsch 2 copy" that goes to a video. Everything else worked perfectly.
BTW, a bit off topic for this forum thread, but since this post of mine is about Nate's course : I love toys (and have quite a number of them!) so this was right up my alley! It would be great to see additional videos with Nate doing some toy tear-downs to clearly show all of the articulation & other construction points; going through different toy materials & processes (like flocking, hair rooting, injection molding, etc.) with visuals and even showing tooling & such; and taking us on toy manufacturing field trips (like a Travel Channel show — Good luck with the budget... haha - oh, and I would very gladly travel to Asia with him!). It would be great to even have a toy "review" showing and commenting on an array of toys (even with just action figures, doll lines, & collector figures, there are a ton of variations, especially when including those from Japan & Hong Kong) — In my mind, a "review" wouldn't be about the good/bad/ugly so much but more about using the array of toys to point to what went (or may have went) into making it and why (kind of like he did with his own toys at the end of the video). Also, Nate mentioned that the toy companies told him what they were looking for in a portfolio, but I didn't hear him line item out those things. I'm assuming orthos/model-sheets are key, but I'm sure there are other things, like showing a knowledge of toy manufacturing with those model sheets, etc. Regardless, thanks for this course, Nate!
@Lee-White Cant't access the forums now from cell phone. Not sure if others are running into this but even the link on the SVS home sight takes me to a prompt but only using my cell phone. New sight looks great tho, yeehaw!
@QuietYell The action figure class video has been fixed
@Tyson-Ranes not sure what you are seeing there. It works on my phone, my wife's phone, and our neighbors phone. Can you do a screen grab or something?
Thanks guys!
@QuietYell I'll pass your comment on to Nate. And we'll see if we can get him to do a follow up to the class. Great ideas!
@Lee-White Here it is>
Hello! For folks who are running into dead links or "lorem ipsum" gibberish or other problems with the new SVS website, try clearing the cache and cookies in the browser you are using. Apparently, unless you clear these out every so often, you are likely seeing an older version of the website (there's a helpful explanation for this here:
We are making lots of updates to the site daily to fix all the little glitches y'all have found, so if you clear out your cache/cookies every now and again, you should hopefully be able to see the latest version of the website a little quicker
For example, I wasn't able to see the SVS forum on the new site for several days on Firefox, (although I was able to see it on Chrome and Safari), but once I cleared my cache/cookies, it popped right up.
The way to clear your cookies/cache is under your browser's Preferences. On Firefox and Chrome, there's a way to do it without clearing out all your passwords, but I'm not sure if that is the case for all the browsers out there, so just know that you may have to re-enter your passwords if you do it.
Anyway, I'm not super tech savvy, so those of you who are, feel free to chime in!