@Lee-White Wow! One hour in photoshop sounds so nice
It looks great.
@Katrina-Fowler I love this!
@smceccarelli This is beautiful! I love it, Simona!
@Lee-White That's so funny, This was totally the other concept I was thinking about trying. Looks great, stylus or not.
@Katrina-Fowler totally awesome!
Added this other color comp. I play around at this stage for a long time before moving on to a final. It's so much fun to mess around before going to final. I think this one works better than the pinkish one because the warm/cool separation is better.
- Colored in an old concept sketch 'Jerrys Place' for the June Treehouse Illustration.
This post is deleted! -
Some day, I will live in a tree house. This is pretty high on the bucket list. Not for long, probably. Just long enough to say I lived in a tree house.
Here's my submission for this month.
Edit: I dimmed the reflection of the sun onto the water.
did another quick treehouse at work today. This one is based on an album cover (shown below) that popped up on my Pandora station. So I screen grabbed it and painted it.
@stringfellowart really cute! love the egg and the bunny
@joliechevaun Love that raccoon
The colors too!
Really nice, I love the design and the looseness of your work -
When I try to upload images I get the message ERROR "You do not have enough privileges for this action." Any thoughts?
Also, I am trying to upload my Tree House Assignment. Is this where I do it?
@chris-perry yes, you can upload it here. Try to upload again, the forum was acting up a bit yesterday.
A lot of amazing work in here, guys.
@lee-white I had that exact issue on another thread this morning (here) and it appears that @Leontine is having those issues as well. BTW @Aaron helped me yesterday with a different issue where I was auto logged out and then couldn't log back in (got locked out) - obviously, that is fixed now - yay for Aaron!
(I'm assuming these issues are from the upgrades going on behind the scenes per what Aaron said)
Hi guys, my name is Jose Ramos and I just realized that I had to post my illustration in this post, so here it is.
The story is about Jack the Rabbit, who has to get 100 acorns on his bicycle before night if he wants to save his best friend from a spell that turned him into a worm...
www.joseramos.es -
@NoWayMe Just happened to see your tree house that you posted four days ago- Loved this so much!!! It totally made me laugh
And nice job on the perspective and light effect.