Independent idea..I see a few things I could fix. Feedback welcome.
Fixed that skinny foot a little.
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen Aw, look at his smile! What is your story here, though? I can make some guesses, like maybe her put the boots on himself, but only because I know the prompt. If you give a bit more insight into your story it would help with feedback, for me at least!
@withlinesofink Well, you know, I guess I don't really have a story! I have a grandson who is learning to dress himself and be "independent" so when I heard the word, I decided to draw a little boy )my grandson has long blonde curly hair) with his clothes on all wonky and backwards and proud of himself for getting all dressed by himself.. That's atually something I need to work on-having an actual story to go with my pictures and with the word prompts, I think.
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen Ah! it's not always the first thing super-visual people think of. Especially when you already have a visual in mind. Do you do thumbnails before tackling a finished drawing? It could be a good way to start playing with the story once you have a jumping-off point or initial idea.
@withlinesofink I do thumbnails when I already have a story but I actually have a hard tiem with them. I end up going back and forth but eventually I come up with a dummy. I don't really use them for just ne image though.
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen I think it sounds like you may have a storyline, anyway, when you see him try to get dressed!
I suppose if you thumbnailed the story, you would be working on different poses and angles? -
@laurie Yes. I didn't really try a bunch of different angles, etc. I just drew it and colored it in. Maybe I should be spending more time exploring a lot of possiblities.
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen I think the key to getting a solid illustration every time is taking your time in the early part of the process. In the professional world this also helps immensely because an art director or editor will want to see your roughs and ask for revisions and changes, and may even ask if you have a different angle, or even a different design or drawing option entirely for a certain page or illustration.
To me, the thumbnailing, brain mapping, rough sketching, value and color studies are like the practice before doing a complicate gymnastic demonstration. You go back and re-do and make corrections and scrap things here and there, and try something new, or maybe see how far you can push a certain idea. Then the final illustration is almost easy because of all the work you put in giving it a solid foundation.
That's kind of my way of thinking about it, anyways.
@withlinesofink I really do need to focus on that. I end up doing it anyway, in a way but after my pictures are big and I have a whole dummy that I go back and forth and cut things out, etc. Redraw...I just don't do it small so...when making a book, it takes me a while. I never do it for single illustrations and never even really thought about it ..well I probably do a couple sometimes but ...lots to consider about my processes here. I'd love to cut down on the time I spend