I drew a UNICORN
@charlie-eve-ryan love it!
Is your website down for some reason? I wanted to see your work the other day but I keep getting a 404 error.
@eric-castleman Hey Eric, thanks!
Not that I'm aware, it up on my end. Thanks for letting me know, I wonder if I was editing something at the time. Here is the link
http://www.charlieeveryan.com/Does it work now on your end?
@charlie-eve-ryan there ya go!! Love your work!!!
@eric-castleman Thanks so much, Eric. I'm really digging your thumbnail and final illustration of the tall hat wearing, pig-riding cowboy! Great composition and shapes!
@charlie-eve-ryan it's just the link on your svs profile that is a dead link.
@eric-castleman I found the broken link, thanks! I fixed it
It's so fluffy! ... Sorry, I couldn't resist. Nice work!
He makes me smile too! Thanks for sharing!
@jon-anderson Love that movie!
@tessw Thank you!
@charlie-eve-ryan love love LOVE! I'm such a sucker for anything and everything unicorns.