Website, or blog?
I know someone recently asked this, but I can't find the topic. I used to have a blog on Wordpress but took my stuff down about three years ago when I realized I wasn't far enough along in my art to have it out there. Felling better this year, and would like to get a new site together - but there are so many more options now. I know Lee White uses Squarespace, but I have heard good things about Wix too. Since I'm just starting out again I don't know which kind of site to go with. I know I would like to have a blog either as part of it or linked to it. Any thoughts would be appreciated, I will have to make up my mind within the next week or so as I want to have a website on any printed materials I take with me to my local SCBWI conference next month. Thanks in advance.
@rhirsch I use self hosted WordPress but it's a lot of work if you don't do websites very often. It's a lot of work for me and I've been doing WordPress stuff for over 10 years now.
The easiest and fastest way to get your portfolio up would be to use something like Carbon Made or Behance. If you want a blog you will have to look at other options. Tumblr might be a good choice if you want a blog as well and I have seen some people use themes that look nice for portfolios. -
I use Squarespace too, and I like it. It's very easy to use and you can put whatever you want on it when you set it up; blog or gallery, etc.
I use WordPress and I really like it!
But I pretty much just have the blog portion, and a small portfolio; pretty simple and basic. I don't have a store or anything like that, so I don't know how straight-forward that would be.I just started a free wordpress blog for a while, and eventually started paying about $18 a year for my own domain. I don't know how it compares to others, but I've really liked it
(It's a been minimal right now, as I redo my portfolio and draft some new blog entries.)
Wordpress is a good option for long-term purposes. Plus, there are a lot of customizable features. But some social networks like Behance or also work well. To present the portfolio better I would use a mix of web+social networks. I work as an online essay writer, and if there any help with content is needed do not hesitate to ask.
If you have a subscription to Adobe CC you get a free portfolio site and there are different templates to choose from. It can be linked to a custom domain too. I use Photoshop through a monthly subscription so that's what I have done and it's very easy. The link is Oh and it will also link to your Behance account if you have one and auto update both sites.