22 Nov 2017, 15:36

Oh man, I gave a 5-min speech about my career once and THAT seemed way too long! From my experience, story time was reading a few picture books, then doing an activity.

Remember to breathe so you don't breeze through the material too fast! Take a minute to introduce yourself, what inspired you to make this story. Read the text but also try to engage the kids with the pictures. Ask what's happening or point out how the character's feeling or some other detail. An example is when I watched someone read One Dog Canoe, they would point out how low in the water the canoe was getting as more and more animals got into it. You could write down a couple easy questions to ask the kids at the end (I don't know the story, but "what would you do if a rabbit lived in your hair?" would get some giggles and such), then smile and announce that you'll be signing and answering other questions now. Most of your time is just being available.

You can do it! Congrats on getting to present your book!