Hi. I have no idea what I am doing. Ive never posted in a forum. I tried to attach a little sketch here to see if it works. lets see... My name is Kevin or Kevinpaul in case you already know 50 other Kevins ( as I do). I would like very much to illustrate childrens books. However I have no idea if I have what it might take to make that happen, so I decided to reach out and see if you all can help, and who knows, maybe I will have something to offer to someone else as well.
I came across a video on youtube by Mr. Will Terry, in the video he said something about accepting friends on facebook , so I sent him a request and he actually accepted. In my book that colors him as honest, which eventually brought me here to svs. Thank you Mr. Terry ( if you ever happen to read this.)
I am trying to make a children's book and I am using the 3rd thursday prompts for direction and practice I will be posting (or trying to post) sketches and digital painting attempts. Please feel free to rip into me will all the brutal honesty you can muster in the way of crits. I am not at all sensitive and Im too old for sugar.
The story is about a boy who discovers a young sasquatch during summer camp.....working title..."summer squatch".
So nice to meet all of you and I look forward to your posts.
electronically and digitally yours,
Kevinpaul. -
Welcome aboard Kevin you are only the 4th one i know lol. it's great here! between the courses and the amazing support on the forum, i have no doubt you will get to where you want to be
Kevin, Welcome aboard, We are all friendly here, if you need help, advice or crits then you will get it in bucket loads.
Welcome, Kevin! I don't see a picture in your post, I don't know if that is a problem on my end or if the picture just didn't post. I hope you enjoy the forums!
@Sarah-LuAnn its not you,
its me, i think i figured it out. -
Looking forward to see the paintings for your book! This is great place to get critiques, and practice by doing monthly thursday challenges.