multiple file satuation increase
H SVS'ers. I recently got my proof back from Createspace and the images were light and low saturation, which I found strange as my last proof was too saturated and dark. Does anyone know of a quick way to increase saturation across multiple files? I used photoshop and indesign, thanks ahead if anyone has some tricks to share
@lmrush If you are using indesign for layout, then you should be able to open each photoshop file and adjust the saturation. That will automatically update your indesign file. I had the same issue when I was getting proofs from Createspace.
@chip-valecek If we ever meet in person I am going to buy you a beer, you have saved me twice lately-thanks so much for your expertise!!!!
@chip-valecek So I open indesign, and open photoshop, fix in photoshop save and it will automatically update my files in indesign-did I understand that correctly? Thanks!!!
Right click the image you want to edit and from the drop down chose "edit original" and that will open the photoshop file. Save and close after you've completed the edits and it will automatically update the file in in-Design.
@randy-smith Thank you, so so much!!!!!!!
I think if you have the file open within InDesign and you update in photoshop there will be a little red box on the image in Indesign, if you click on it, it will refresh it. I believe. Its been awhile since I worked on a layout.
And you must know I love my beer!
@chip-valecek You saved me hours and hours of work, I'll buy you a couple! Are you a microbrew guy? Thanks so so much! @Chip-Valecek @Randy-Smith I can't thank you enough- I love SVS!!!!!!!
@lmrush any beer is good. I like to try different microbrews.