Thanks Chip, I missed some of the images people posted in the main forum (there were a lot this month!) so it's great to be able to see them all. Are we going to be doing the same method of voting as last month?
FALL Slideshow
Thanks @chip-valecek! Always reliable!
@jon-anderson I try
Thanks, they all look so great.
Ah, thanks! Now I can stop worrying about scrolling past one that didn't load, and appreciate all the thought that people put into the details and textures!
thanks @Chip-Valecek!
So many nice pieces in this slideshow! Love looking at all of them and discovering new stuff -
Thanks Chip, I missed some of the images people posted in the main forum (there were a lot this month!) so it's great to be able to see them all. Are we going to be doing the same method of voting as last month?
Hi! Mine is not there
@gary-wilkinson not sure what Lee's plan is for voting this month.
@Maria-Isabel-Correa-1 did you submit your work into the Fall Contest Post?
@maria-isabel-correa-1 yeap, you did. Sorry I missed it. Its in the slideshow now.
Thanks Chip!!
@chip-valecek You rock!
@Chip-Valecek Thank you !