Uploading to SVS. Do your colors change?
@gary-wilkinson hmmm... there is nothing within the settings to pick color profiles, what color profile are you working with?
@gary-wilkinson I haven't noticed a color change in my images, Gary.
@gary-wilkinson Mine go blue now and then. At least one time it was because I was working in CMYK. But I'm not an expert so unfortunately can't diagnose what is going on in your case!
I’ve noticed just recently when i uploaded my image, it showed up looking more saturated. Don’t know why though.
Yes, my image looked more yellowish
@Chip-Valecek I'm just working with the default profile settings on photoshop. One thing discovered recently though was if I go to save for web and preview using "monitor color" rather than "use document profile" then it does the yellow shift version.
Here is an example of the one uploaded to the forums and the one on my website http://www.garywilkinsonart.com/cardboard-adventures-pirate-boat
(I hope it's not just my own eyes...)
@gary-wilkinson I took screen shots of the forum picture and your website picture and put them side by side on my iPad Pro and they look exactly the same to me.
Yeap I agree with @demotlj they both look the same to me on my computer. The only difference is the one on the forums is compressed more. A lost quality around the edges of objects.
I looked at both the pictures and don’t see the color change you’re mentioning. But I’m on my mobile so maybe that’s why
I think I got a little closer to finding out the issue. When I look at the image in firefox on the forum it's more yellow, but in chrome it's as it should be. On my website both images are the same no matter the browser, but strangely different on the forums.....
Super old topic but I figured it out. I have dual monitors and 1 was set to the wrong settings in windows so when I uploaded it messed up all my colours to what I originally wanted but displayed fine on the windows preview .... Just had to re-upload all my portfolio pieces on my website (need to clean it up soon anyhow) but hopefully my paintings should be closer to what I want now