Life Killing Art
So I started a new (temporary) job for the next three months but it way more work than I wanted it to be so my artistic time is getting crushed . I finally got back to painting with this piece but it is taking me way longer than normal. One thing I'm now very motivated to make my life more about my art career. Well that's my rant for the day
That sucks
Good luck with everything, I know you can make it work!
@rcartwright my artistic time is null most days. Working full time job and four kids leaves me with almost no time.
I feel your pain
I am completely with you on this! If you have less art time you can be more focused though
I feel your pain too, working a full time job and then trying to exercise, eat healthy, socialise, sleep etc - definitely puts a strain on your art
But even if it is taking you longer than usual, the important thing is your doing it and once you get into a new art routine you'll be working a lot quicker I'm sure