SVS Artist Interview with Eric Castleman
Yayyy I missed these! So interesting as always!
@KathrynAdebayo Love Eric's work! I think he's going to be a big time children's illustrator in the upcoming years. He's just got it.
Great interview, great art work
Great interview!
So many great thoughts. You'll have an agent soon I think, Eric.
This is awesome. Thanks for sharing. I'm not as active on here as I want to be but I've been here since the initial launch. It has been valuable in so many ways. SVS Rabbits. I like that.
Good luck with all your projects Eric! And congrats on the Highlights job. That's amazing.
Thanks everyone for the nice comments. I am glad to be at SVS with all of you. I look forward to seeing what we all do in 2019.
I can relate to the 'joined SVS thinking 'x' was my only problem and then realized I needed to work on everything' feeling
"My other big ah-ha moment was letting go of trying to find my own style, and just drawing and painting the way I liked. I have always drawn characters like Nickelodeon cartoon characters, and have painted like a gallery painter, because my brother was a realist painter, so that trickled down to me. I just stopped trying to change what I like, and only changed what I wasn't good at." -stood out for me the hardest.
I am going through past work to see how I naturally create and stick to it and grow from there. It's very frustrating and self-degrading when I like other people's styles and less the way I naturally work. I need to stop fighting myself and grow from where I am and merge it with what I like and really where I want my work to be.
Thanks! @KathrynAdebayo
This interview was very inspiring and informative. Thank you @KathrynAdebayo and @Eric-Castleman! And @Eric-Castleman, your work is amazing!